
来源 :生态学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ganmaogaishilangren
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本文试用生态场的思想,对林网中玉米(Zeamays)的主要产量性状和质量性状与生态场内主要生态因子的关系进行了探讨。研究结果表明:林网生态场对玉米产量性状、质量性状的影响因各因子的场量和玉米的生育阶段而异。开花期前较高的温度、开花期后较低的地温、最热季节不过高的温度,以及整个生长季中较高的空气湿度是提高玉米生物学产量,穗产量、籽粒产量以及籽粒中粗蛋白积累量必要的生态条件。玉米籽粒中粗脂肪含量主要受乳熟期以前生态场的影响,龙其在穗分化、形成期需较高的空气湿度和较低的地面温度。淀粉含量受生态场的影响较小,所需生态条件是拔节一蜡熟期较低的地温。总之,各时期生态场的性质均可在玉米最终的产量和质量性状中反映出来。 In this paper, the idea of ​​ecological field was used to explore the relationship between the main yield and quality traits of Zeamays and the main ecological factors in the ecological field. The results showed that the impact of Linwang eco-farm on yield traits and quality traits of maize varied with the amount of each factor and the growth stage of maize. Higher pre-flowering temperatures, lower ground temperatures after flowering, lower peak temperatures, and higher air humidity throughout the growing season increased maize biological yield, spike yield, grain yield, and coarse kernels The necessary ecological conditions for protein accumulation. The content of crude fat in maize grain is mainly affected by the ecological field before milky milky maturity, while the differentiation and formation of longan require higher air humidity and lower ground temperature. Starch content is less affected by the ecological field, the ecological conditions required are the lower ground temperature at jointing and waxy stages. In conclusion, the nature of ecological fields in each period can be reflected in the final yield and quality traits of maize.
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