
来源 :中国钢铁业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhenx06
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宝钢股份按照走新型工业化道路的要求,坚持走环境友好型发展之路和实施可持续发展战略,充分运用当今世界冶金科技成果,坚持与时俱进,依靠技术进步和管理创新,全面推进节能环保与清洁生产工作,努力实现废弃物的资源化利用,各项环保节能指标得到显著提高。在节能环保方面,近年来,宝钢股份进一步加大了能源管理力度,强化指标管理,加强能源监测,同时通过以“短平快”硕目及6σ精益运营的管理方式,进一步推进 Baosteel adhere to the requirements of a new road to industrialization, adhere to the environment-friendly development and implementation of sustainable development strategy, take full advantage of the current world metallurgical scientific and technological achievements, adhere to advancing with the times, relying on technological progress and management innovation, and comprehensively promote energy saving and environmental protection And cleaner production, and strive to achieve the recycling of waste, the various environmental protection and energy indicators have been significantly improved. In terms of energy saving and environmental protection, Baosteel has further stepped up its efforts in energy management in recent years, strengthened its management of indicators and strengthened its energy monitoring. At the same time, Baosteel Co., Ltd. further enhanced its management through “short and fast” and 6σ lean operations
噼里啪啦咚咚锵——滴滴答答喜洋洋——哈哈,过年喽——每年的春节是小朋友们最高兴的时候,瞧,刀刀戴上了漂亮的围巾花帽,穿着花格子小棉袄在舞蹈(wu dao);
我国古代书信, 在纸尚未发明之前, 是用木板和竹片作为 书信的。根据近代大 量的出土文物来看,在秦汉时期,文字是写在木板和竹片上的,称“犊”和“简”、书信也不例外。因汉
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在我国,春节是各民族人民的风俗节日。各族人民按照自己的习俗,举行各种各样的庆祝活动,具有浓厚的民族特色。 In our country, the Spring Festival is a festival of the
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Once upon a time,there was a little grape stem.This stem was so glad to be alive.She drank water and minerals from the soil and grew and grew.She was young and