各位代表: 全国墙体屋面材料工业生产技术及装备交流交易大会今天在太原隆重召开,在此我代表国家建材局向大会致以热烈的祝贺,向与会代表致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿。并向山西省政府、墙改办表示感谢。 这次会议是墙体屋面材料行业的一次盛会,也是墙材革新成果、产品、装
Delegates: The National Conference on the Production and Technology Exchanges and Exchanges of the Walling Materials Industry was held in Taiyuan today. I hereby extend my warm congratulations to the Assembly on behalf of the National Building Material Bureau and extend cordial greetings and good wishes to the delegates. And thanked the Shanxi Provincial Government and the Wall Reform Office. This conference is a grand event for the wall roofing materials industry, and it is also a result of innovations, products, and installations for wall materials.