
来源 :中国职业医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonycheungqd
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目的探讨某工业开发区作业工人皮肤病直接成本大小及分布规律。方法应用经济学和流行病学方法对该开发区作业工人皮肤病直接成本进行分析。结果该开发区作业工人皮肤病直接成本为56.37万元;自购药和门诊费用较大(分别为27.87%和22.46%);细菌性皮肤病和湿疹皮炎患者直接成本较大(分别为10.77万元和11.21万元);小型企业、私营企业的人均直接成本较其他类型企业的人均直接成本大;青壮年人群患皮肤病直接成本较大;农民工、临时工患者较其他就业类型患者的人均直接成本大。结论该开发区作业工人皮肤病直接成本较大,应予以足够的重视。 Objective To explore the direct cost and distribution of dermatology for workers in an industrial zone. Methods The economic and epidemiological methods were used to analyze the direct costs of skin diseases in workers in this zone. Results The direct cost of dermatosis for operating workers in this zone was 563,700 yuan; the cost of self-purchased medicines and outpatients was relatively large (27.87% and 22.46% respectively); the direct costs of bacterial dermatosis and eczematous dermatitis were higher (107,700 Yuan and 11.21 million yuan). The direct per capita cost of small-scale enterprises and private-owned enterprises is more than the direct per capita costs of other types of enterprises. The direct costs of young people suffering from skin diseases are higher. The average per capita of migrant workers and temporary workers is higher than that of other types of employment Direct costs. Conclusion The direct cost of dermatosis for workers in this development zone should be paid more attention.
这是一曲生命的辉煌颂歌;这是一首爱情的千古 绝唱!一诺千金,支持着她度过了70余个漫长的春秋。 她,就是从1935年开始就在家苦苦等候当红军的 丈夫李才莲胜利归来的妻子、现
放置宫内节育器(I UD)是我国妇女最常用的节育方法之一,目前约有50%育龄妇女在使用。B超探查I UD快速、简便、准确。本文旨通过对B超随访I UD检查结果进行分析为临床选择I UD