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长期以来,空间问题一直处于被忽视或被遮蔽的状态,时间成为文学叙事的主导模式。当代西方文化思想界兴起的“空间转向”改变了文学叙事的传统模式,拆解了时间编织的语言牢笼。“空间转向”不仅仅是从“时间到空间”的简单位移,其中蕴含着对历史主义决定论的解构与批判,体现出鲜明的文化政治向度。因此,彰显“空间政治学”的文化政治意蕴,对于重构“时间与空间”的叙事维度,具有十分重要的学术价值。 For a long time, the issue of space has been neglected or obscured, and time has become the dominant mode of literary narrative. The “space turn” in the rise of contemporary Western cultural circles has changed the traditional model of literary narratives and dismantled the caged language. “Space Turn ” is not merely a simple displacement from “time to space ”, which contains the deconstruction and criticism of the determinism of historicism and embodies the distinct cultural and political orientation. Therefore, highlighting the cultural and political implications of “Spatial Politics ” is of great academic value for reconstructing the narrative dimension of “time and space”.
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菜青虫(Pieris rapae Lin)是结球甘蓝最主要的害虫之一。多年来,主要依赖敌百虫、敌敌畏等化学农药进行防治,曾收到显著的经济效果。但由于长期地不合理地施用,近年来菜青虫
1980年在柳州露塘农场甘蔗田中,发现蔗叶背面上有一种新的瘿螨为害甘蔗,经忻介六教授鉴定为扁岐甘蔗羽爪螨的一个新种,定名为扁岐甘蔗羽爪螨Diptiloplatus sacchari Shin et
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本文记述了危害林木的叶蜂(Tenthredinidae)两新种。一种为刺楸叶蜂(Conaspidiakalopanacis),隶属于叶蜂亚科(Tenthredininae),同盾叶蜂属(Conaspidia Konow),危害刺楸(Kalo