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我是一个农村完小六年级的班主任,过去只知道教儿童好好读书?准备升中学,对劳动教育是不重视的,总以为我辛辛苦苦把他们教毕业了,如果升不上中学,他们就没有光明的前途,有什麽理由向家长们作交代呢? 自从学习了总路线和看到人民日报“组织高小毕业生参加农业劳动”的社论以後,我才知道我过去的想法错了。寒假期中,我校校长参加了县文教科召开的“小学劳动生产教育座谈会”,同来向全校老师传达,使我更深刻地认识了过去教育上的片面性,认识到我过去的教学是不符合总路线精神的。本学期开始,学校领导统一部署加强劳动教育,我着手订班级工作计划时,就特别重视贯彻劳动教育,纠正过去的偏向。因为我担任的是毕业班班主任,学生多数是十六、七岁的年轻小伙子,巳经具备或即将具备参加农业生产的条件;他们在校 I am a sixth-grade teacher in rural areas. In the past, I only knew that teaching children to study hard was going to go to secondary school and did not attach much importance to labor education. I always thought that I worked hard to teach them to graduate. If they did not go to secondary school, There is no bright future, what are the reasons for parents to explain it? Since I learned the general line and saw the editorial of People’s Daily, “Organizing High-school Graduates into Agricultural Work,” I learned that my past thinking was wrong. During the winter holidays, the principals of our school participated in the “Forum on Work-production Education in Primary Schools” convened by the prefectural arts and sciences department and conveyed to the teachers in the whole school so that I could understand more profoundly the one-sidedness of education in the past and realized that my past teaching was not In line with the spirit of the general line. At the beginning of this semester, the school leaders unified the deployment of labor education. When I started to set the class work plan, I paid special attention to carrying out labor education and correcting the past bias. Because I am the head teacher of the graduation class, the majority of the students are young people aged 16 and 17 who have or will have the conditions to participate in agricultural production; they are at school
目的:分析脊柱转移癌病人中采用椎体成形术治疗过程中骨水泥发生渗漏的比例及常见因素. 方法:对我院2011年9月-2014年6月间27例同一术者采用骨水泥椎体成形术治疗的脊柱转移
顶级摄影师分享那些曾经启发过他们的好照片。纪实报道摄影师David Chancellor给我们介绍了Alixandra Fazzina的作品《Shahr-I-Buzorg》,摄于2008年8月的阿富汗。  David说:“照片中的母亲Siamoy正在为她几个月大的男婴Hokim哺乳,母子俩当时正在Siamoy的姐姐位于Khourdakon村的家中。这幅照片是我在有关阿富汗母亲死亡率的系列报道中看到
我们身边的数字设备越来越多,他们之间互通有无被看成是一件十分重要的事。在被数字设备包围的办公室里,如果能让新买来的手机成为它们中的一员,似乎是个很好的想法。 As we ha