失明患者的救星 复明患者的使者

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阿迪娅眼科医院成立于2002年1月6日,属非公有制医院,是集医疗科研为一体的眼科医院,拥有先进的进口和国产医疗设备。医院现有员工90人,各类专业人员75人,95%是少数民族职工。2003年5月先后成立了阿迪娅眼科医院和田分院和吐鲁番分院。截止2004年年底医院共诊治眼病患者4万余人,实施手术近5000例,救助贫困患者260余人。今年该院又在和田和吐鲁番两地区开展扶贫手术220例,为患者解除了病痛,得到了社会的赞誉。医院成立以来,先后安排大中专毕业生就业65人,安置下岗职工就 Aditya Eye Hospital was founded on January 6, 2002. It is a non-public hospital. It is an ophthalmic hospital integrating medical research with advanced imported and home-made medical equipment. The hospital currently employs 90 people, 75 various types of professionals, 95% of ethnic minorities. May 2003 has set up Adity Eye Hospital Wada Branch and Turpan Branch. By the end of 2004, more than 40,000 patients had ophthalmic diseases, nearly 5,000 cases had been operated and more than 260 people have been assisted in helping the poor. This year, the hospital conducted another 220 cases of anti-poverty surgery in Wada and Turpan, relieving the patient of the affliction and gaining the praise of the society. Since its establishment, the hospital has arranged for the employment of college graduates 65 people, placement of laid-off workers
为了适应新的工商税制的要求,加强出口货物的税收管理,国家税务总局决定改进出口货物专用缴款书管理办法。现将有关问题通知如下: 一、出口企业直接从生产企业收购消费税应
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