Dynamic bias setting for range extension in LTE-advanced macro-pico heterogeneous networks

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MK654321
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In co-channel deployment of macro cell and pico cells, cell range extension (RE), a simple and typical cell association scheme, is introduced to achieve better load balancing and improve cell edge performance.In this article, a novel dynamic and distributed bias setting scheme is proposed for RE technique in macro-pico heterogeneous networks.In this strategy, the worst user throughput of each cell during an adjusting time interval T is obtained to change the bias values according to certain procedures, where an introduced indicator is used to freeze the possibility of increasing bias value if needed.Furthermore, silent state and coarse control process are employed to achieve low overheads and computational complexity.Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can greatly improve the cell-edge performance compared with the static bias setting strategies, while maintaining the overall cell performance at the same time. In co-channel deployment of macro cells and pico cells, cell range extension (RE), a simple and typical cell association scheme is introduced to achieve better load balancing and improve cell edge performance. In this article, a novel dynamic and distributed bias setting scheme is proposed for RE technique in macro-pico heterogeneous networks. In this strategy, the worst user throughput of each cell during an adjusting time interval T is obtained to change the bias values ​​according certain certain, where an introduced indicator is used to freeze the possibility of increasing bias value if needed.Furthermore, silent state and coarse control processes are employed to achieve low overheads and computational complexity.Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can greatly improve the cell-edge performance compared with the static bias setting strategies while while maintaining the overall cell performance at the same time.
“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣”在《新课程标准》中被列为基础教育阶段英语课程的任务的第一条。可见,学习兴趣在学生的学习中具有十分重要的作用。根据心理学家对能引起兴趣的事物和中学生兴趣的特点的研究,结合英语学科的特点及教学实践,我提出以下一些教学策略。    一、内容激趣策略    教学心理学研究表明,学生对所学内容感到新颖而又无知时,最能诱发好奇内驱力,激起求知、探究、操作等学习愿望。因此,教师要
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Based on an effective screen-printing process,a novel sandwich layered cathode electrode was developed on a cathode faceplate.The ZnO electrode was sandwiched b
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一、前言    在西方文明的源头,美与善同义。亚里士多德在《修辞学》里对“美”下的定义为:“美是一种善,其所以引起快感,正因为它善。”后来古典主义认为“美在形式”,新柏拉图主义和理性主义认为“美即完善”,英国经验主义认为“美感即快感,美即愉快”,德国古典美学认为“美在理性内容表现于感性形式”,俄国现实主义认为“美是生活”,各学派见解均不同。后来又出现“移情说”等观点,以及后现代主义的美学观点。  
西方哲学的传统源远流长,从古希腊开始一直流淌至今,绵延不绝。在近代西方哲学史中,认识论逐渐成为一门相当成熟的分支学科,为整个人类的知识奠定了牢固的基础,制定了完善的体系。但是,在传统的认识论研究中,人们往往较多地注意理性因素在认识中的作用,而忽视非理性因素。现代认识论的研究十分重视和强调对非理性因素在认识中的作用的探究,尤其是在二十一世纪的信息时代,人的非理性因素的作用被进一步突出。    一、非
历史就是以时间为线,以事件为珠串成的一串串美丽的念珠。人们喜欢历史,是因为它丰富多彩,有趣感人;历史不断向前发展,是因为历史继承者每日笑数着这串念珠。由此可见,时间在历史发展中起着联结铭记的作用。那么,用什么方法表示历史时间呢?  在人类历史长河中,为了识辨一件件极富个性的历史事件,常用纪年的方法表示历史时间。何谓历史纪年?纪年又称纪元,是记录历史年代的一个时间标准,这儿的“纪”通“记”,相当于“