Impact of the Yalong-Yellow River water transfer project on the eco-environment in Yalong River basi

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aini826611
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The planning Yalong-River water transfer project will transfer 5.65 billion cubic meters water from the Yalong River into the Yellow River per year.The Yalong River will be dramatically impacted hydrologically and ecologically because more than 60% of the runoff will be diverted.An ecohydrological model was used to evaluate the impacts of the project on river corridor and wetland in this study.Schizothorax is a typical plateau river species and was used as the indicator species for assessment of the impact of water transfer project.The model simulated the habitat area of Schizothorax in the reach between the Reba Dam and the Ganzi Hydrology Station on the Yalong River.The Reba Dam,A’an Dam and Renda Dam will be constructed in the Yalong River for enhancing the water level for water diversion into the Yellow River.The velocity,channel width,runoff,and water depth will be reduced due to the water transfer,especially during flood season.The reduction in the velocity,channel width,runoff and water depth will occur mainly in the reach near the three dams and the reduction will be reduced to a minimum level in a distance about 100 km downstream of the dams.The maximum net water loss of Kasha Lake is only 1197200 m3,only 0.3% of runoff flowing into the lake.The project cannot bring adverse effect on the lake.The habitat area of Schizothorax in the Yalong River might be reduced if the water was transferred from the Reba Dam.The habitat area of this species will be reduced more than 40%. The planning Yalong-River water transfer project will transfer 5.65 billion cubic meters water from the Yalong River into the Yellow River per year. The Yalong River will be dramatically impacted hydrologically and ecologically because more than 60% of the runoff will be diverted. An ecohydrological model was used to evaluate the impacts of the project on river corridor and wetland in this study. Schizothorax is a typical plateau river species and was used as the indicator species for assessment of the impact of water transfer project. model was the habitat area of Schizothorax in the reach between the Reba Dam and the Ganzi Hydrology Station on the Yalong River. The Reba Dam, A’an Dam and Renda Dam will be constructed in the Yalong River for enhancing the water level for water diversion into the Yellow River. velocity, channel width, runoff, and water depth will be reduced due to the water transfer, especially during flood season. reduction in the velocity, channel width, runoff a nd water depth will occur mainly in the reach near the three dams and the reduction will be reduced to a minimum level in a distance about 100 km downstream of the dams. The maximum net water loss of Kasha Lake is only 1197200 m3, only 0.3% of runoff flowing into the lake. project can not bring adverse effect on the lake. habitat area of ​​Schizothorax in the Yalong River might be reduced if the water was transferred from the Reba Dam. habitat area of ​​this species will be reduced more than than 40%.
为促进小学语文教师综合素养提高,推进语文课程改革深入开展,南京凤凰母语教育科学研究所2011年底在南京举办了首届小学语文教师素养培训班,受到教师、专家和各级领导的好评。应广大教师的要求,南京凤凰母语教育科学研究所决定暑期在南京举办第二、三期小学语文教师素养培训班,现将有关事项函告如下:  一、培训对象:小学语文骨干教师,小学语文青年教师新秀,从事小学语文教师素养研究、培训的各级教研、科研人员、学校
人最宝贵的是生命,生命只有一次,所以每个人都有责任、有义务去珍爱生命。我们活着不仅是为了自己,更是为了爱我们的人和我们爱的人。我是一名人民教师,每天和活泼可爱的孩子们朝夕相处,每天面对着一张张朝气蓬勃的面庞,我能从孩子们的身上感受到生命的真实和可贵。  近几年,新闻上多出现这样一些报道:某地小学生发生踩踏事件,死伤较多,大家正在全力抢救;某校车超载,不幸出现车祸,死伤过半,事故原因正在进一步调查。
一、肠道感染与食物中毒的致病体及发生状况肠道感染系指致病体侵入人体肠道并定栖、生长繁殖而发生的疾病。依发病机制不同 ,可分为肠伤寒型疾病和感染性肠炎。食物中毒是起