春天的告别 延绵的思念(中续)——林耀基先生纪念专辑

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阳春三月,北京街头的玉兰花正含苞欲放的时候,他却没有等到花朵的绽放,就悄然离去。我国著名小提琴教育家林耀基先生去世的噩耗传来,无论是他的家人,在身边或远在海外的学生以及同仁挚友都陷入极度的震惊与悲伤之中。大家都为失去这样一位德高望重、和蔼可亲,又深谙小提琴教学之道,桃李满天下的音乐家而痛心疾首、无限惋惜。他们纷纷用各自不同的方式,表达着内心的悲伤与痛楚,抒发着自己对大师的尊敬与怀念之情。正如著名钢琴家刘诗昆所言,他的离去是中国音乐教育事业的重大损失。也正如一位普通基层小提琴老师所说,他的去世,对于中国小提琴界来讲,不亚于一次“5.12地震”!一个月过去了,人们对他的思念之情丝毫没有减退。作为林先生生前不啻呵护且寄予厚望的音乐媒体,本刊特专辟版面,选登其中部分不同角度、不同表述方式的追思文章,以不负读者重托;同时,也藉此表达本刊对林耀基先生深切的缅怀与隆重的纪念!从这些文字的背后,我们仿佛又能见到林耀基先生的音容笑貌,又能听到他谆谆的教诲;无远弗及,饱含深情地领略他伟岸与高尚的音乐情怀。本纪念专辑将分为几部分,接续连载,以彰众望。——编者 Spring March, magnolia flowers on the streets of Beijing are Hanbaoyu Fang, he did not wait until the bloom of flowers, they quietly leave. The sad news about the death of Mr. Lin Yao-ji, a famous violin educator in our country, has come to a shock and sadness for both his family, students both at his side and overseas, and his best friend. Everyone is indebted for the loss of such a respected, amiable and well versed in the violin teaching, Tao Li musicians everywhere. They have used their own different ways to express their inner sadness and pain, express their respect for the master and miss. As the famous pianist Liu Shikun said, his departure is a major loss in China’s music education. As an ordinary grass-roots violin teacher said, his death is no less than once for the violin community in China. “One month after the earthquake has passed, people’s love for him has not diminished.” As one of the most influential music media outlets in his lifetime, Mr. Lam specially designed some memorial posts with different perspectives and expressions in an attempt to live up to the reader’s trust. At the same time, he also expressed his appreciation of Lin Yaoji From the back of these words, we seem to have seen the sound and smile of Mr. Lin Yaoji again and again, and he can hear his sloppy teachings. He is far-sighted and appreciative of his magnificent and noble Music feelings. The commemorative album will be divided into several parts, followed by serial, in order to publicize expectations. --editor
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