
来源 :卫生研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghchao0605
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选用48只SD雄性大鼠随机等分3组,即A组、B组和C组。再从每组中分出8只用于高温暴露,另8只用于室温对照,在AIN-93M饲料配方基础上,以碳酸锌为锌源,配制成A、B、C组锌饲料。每千克饲料锌含量测定值:A组为92.2mg,B组45.61mg,C组21.70mg。根据动物分组,饲以各组大鼠相应水平锌饲料14天后,将用于高温暴露的大鼠置于高温室(Tdb40℃,Twb30.8℃)连续暴露3小时。用原子吸收分光光度计火焰法测定大鼠海马、大脑皮层和小脑Zn、Cu、Fe含量。实验结果发现:①高温暴露可使海马铜含量显著增加:②高温暴露后,海马铜含量比小脑和大脑皮层铜含量高,而在室温对照大鼠,小脑铜含量却比大脑皮层和海马铜含量高。③摄入不同水平饲料锌主要影响小脑铜的含量,对铁的影响较小。④中、高水平膳食锌摄入可使热应激大鼠小脑铜含量降低 48 SD male rats were randomly divided into three groups, namely, A, B and C groups. Eight of them were used for high temperature exposure and the other eight were used for room temperature control. Based on the AIN-93M feed formula, zinc carbonate was used as the zinc source to prepare the zinc feed of A, B and C groups. Zinc per kg feed values ​​?? measured: A group was 92.2mg, B group 45.61mg, C group 21.70mg. According to the animal groups, rats were exposed to hyperthermia for 14 days at the corresponding level of zinc diet in each group. Rats exposed to high temperature were continuously exposed to high temperature room (Tdb40 ° C, Twb30.8 ° C) for 3 hours. The contents of Zn, Cu and Fe in hippocampus, cerebral cortex and cerebellum of rats were measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The experimental results showed that: ①high temperature exposure could significantly increase the content of copper in the hippocampus: ② After high temperature exposure, the content of copper in the hippocampus was higher than that in the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex, while in the control rats at room temperature, the content of copper in the cerebellum was higher than that in the cortex and hippocampus high. ③ intake of different levels of dietary zinc mainly affect the content of cerebellar copper, the impact on iron is small. ④ medium and high levels of dietary zinc intake can reduce heat-induced rat cerebellar copper content decreased