
来源 :自动化与仪器仪表 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wodexuehao
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随着地方经济的快速化发展,普速铁路的货运作用倍受地方政府及工矿企业的关注,各地区铁路货运中心工程相继投入建设,由于各类型货运中心的规模及作业方式各有不同,信号系统与运输的关系显得越发重要。坡底下站为宝鸡至兰州客运专线东川铁路货运中心工程中间站,在坡底下站即将开通运营时,电务部门提出关于坡底下站进路信号机设置的问题。坡底下站开通在即,如按电务部门建议修改信号平面布置图,对联锁软件进行修改、调试的周期较长,将严重影响坡底下站开通时间。因此,设计人员须拿出合理的应急处理方案,确保坡底下站顺利开通。 With the rapid development of the local economy, the role of general cargo railway is greatly concerned by local governments and industrial and mining enterprises. Various railway freight center projects have been put into operation one after another. Since the size and operating mode of each type of freight center are different, The relationship between system and transportation becomes more and more important. The station under the slope is the middle station of Dongchuan Railway Freight Transportation Center from Baoji to Lanzhou Passenger Dedicated Line. When the under-slope station is about to open for operation, the electric department put forward the question about the signal setting of the under-slope station approach. Under the slope of the station opened soon, as recommended by the electricity sector to modify the signal layout, the interlocking software to modify the debugging cycle is longer, will seriously affect the opening time of the station under the slope. Therefore, designers must come up with a reasonable emergency response plan to ensure the smooth opening of the station under the slope.
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母亲不识字,看不懂电视,除了无休止地忙活,她就没了事做。  我幼时顽劣,经常惹是生非,挨打便成了家常便饭。我是老幺,又是唯一的男孩儿,母亲却不娇惯我。相反,她对我总有股幽幽的怨气。很小,我就怕她,和她若即若离。每次她打我,我都狠狠地说,你打死我吧!要不,等我长大了,就再也不回来了。  母亲会怔住,扔下棍子,把自己关在屋里,蒙头睡半天。我不管她,继续跑外面疯。天晚了,她还会满村子叫我,把我撵回家,做
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