A Study on the Employment Problems of Ethnic Minority Graduates and Its Countermeasure

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When China ’ s economic devel-opment slows down , but the number of college graduates constantly increases , the problem of the difficulty of college students finding employment becomes not only an economic problem , but also a social problem , and even a political problem .The problem of employment for ethnic minority college students is much more so .How to solve effectively the problem of the minority college students ’ em-ployment difficulty is an issue related to ethnic uni-ty, social stability and national prosperity and has a very important political , social and economic sig-nificance.Hence, this research is based on the re-sults from a survey conducted at the Southwest U-niversity for Nationalities , and it tries to provide some corresponding suggestions for solving the em-ployment problems of ethnic minority graduates in the universities of Chengdu .
The target of this survey were the ethnic mi-nority graduates who enrolled in Southwest Univer-sity for Nationalities in 2009.Using the principles of random sampling , a total number of 500 ques-tionnaires were distributed . Among these 480 questionnaires were completed and collected . Therefore , the efficiency of the questionnaires is 96%.Through the survey , we find that the main problems related to present ethnic minority college students’ employment are four aspects described as follows:
1.Minority college students prefer to work in big cities.
The big cities have strong attraction to the mi-nority college students , and half of the graduates prefer to stay in the big cities .This creates a con-tradiction , because the employment situation in the big cities is already so serious that it is difficult for the big cities to accept so many college graduates . However , some minority areas which need talent are not able to attract excellent minority college graduates .
2.The minority college students lack commu-nication skills .
Ethnic minority college graduates have their own languages or writing system , and most of them lived in ethnic regions and are used to speaking ethnic languages .They only come to other cities for the first time when they become college students , and begin to communicate directly with other nationalities .Hence, their Chinese proficien-cy is not high which in turn influences their com-munication skills .
3 .The careers of the minority college gradu-ates are not strongly associated with their majors .
When the ethnic minority college students spend 4 to 5 years learning their major courses , and, in the end, their career has not much relation with their major courses , it is possible that this in-fluences their working enthusiasm , and reduces their expectations of the work .This is not good for the long-term development of the work units , as well as the self -development of the graduates . The data from the investigation indicates that most ethnic minority college students think that the mis-match of their majors and careers will create some difficulties in their employment , but they have no alternative way .
4 .It is easy for ethnic minority college gradu-ates to receive unfair treatment in employment .
In addition to the general unfair treatment , for example discrimination against certain universities , sex etc., ethnic minority college students are sometimes in a disadvantaged position due to their ethnic identity .Some employers prefer to employ non-ethnic -minority graduates in consideration of language , custom and capability .
The following aspects are the causes of the problems mentioned above:The first is that the mi-nority college students are influenced by the tradi-tional concept on job choosing; the second is that the Chinese proficiency of the ethnic minority col-lege students is relatively low;the third is that the professional courses in the university do not meet the practical needs of the society;the fourth is that the employers have an incorrect understanding a-bout ethnic minority college graduates .
Therefore , the government , universities , so-ciety and individuals , etc.should cooperate with each other and implement the following actions so as to promote positively the employment of minority college graduates:
1.The government should increase the de-gree of its attention to the employment problem of ethnic minority college graduates .
Firstly, the government should make specific employment policy related to the minority college graduates .The government should give some corre-sponding preferential policy to those ethnic minori-ty graduates who go back to work in the ethnic re-gions by providing a corresponding subsistence al-lowance , and preferential policy of adding some marks when they take the examination of civil serv-ice or postgraduate entrance exams .This should be done so as to increase the enthusiasm of the ethnic minority college graduates to go back to work in their hometowns and encourage them to serve in the minority areas . Secondly , the government should pay more attention to the development of the universities for nationalities , build up an exchange and cooperation platform for these universities for nationalities and the employers , and provide the minority students practicum opportunities in gov-ernment and enterprises during their college time so that they can combine theory with practice , and cultivate their abilities ..
2.The university should improve the compre-hensive capabilities of the ethnic minority college graduates .
Firstly, the university should set up reasona-ble professional categories according to the social needs .The university should predict the social de-velopment trends , reasonably adjust the profession-al settings, and ensure the foresight and practica-bility of the majors .Every university should be ori-ented by the social needs , adjust their discipline structure on time , turn professions which have no social needs to another direction immediately , and improve talent-training methods so as to promote the employment of minority college graduates .Sec-ondly , while the universities are training the ethnic minority college students , they should not only concentrate emphasize on the students ’ ethnic characteristics , but also emphasize proficiency in Chinese.Thirdly, the universities should set up the courses related to the college students ’ develo-ping and planning of their future careers , help the ethnic minority college students set up their em-ployment awareness earlier . Moreover practicum should be added to their courses so as to improve the ethnic minority college students ’ capability to link theory with practice .
3 .The society should build a fair and just employment environment for the minority college students
We are a socialist country , and the people should enjoy equal rights .The division of “class”in the employment is not an essential attribute of a socialist country , and it also does not meet the de-velopment requirement of a modern democratic country.Therefore, the concept of “rank” should be eliminated.Moreover, the employers should treat ethnic minority college graduates the same as the Han -Chinese college graduates , and provide fair opportunity for the minority college graduates in the employment competition .
4 .The minority college graduates should im-prove their owncapacity , and change their concept of employment.
Firstly, the minority college students should-create their employment awareness as soon as pos-sible .The ethnic minority college students should start to make a plan and preparation for their future careers when they are in their first and second years of university .Then , in their third and fourth years they should begin to make real efforts towards their employment goals . Secondly , the minority college students should upgrade their capacity .In addition to learning professional knowledge and laying a solid foundation of professional skills , the ethnic minority college students should learn broadly all aspects of knowledge , actively involve themselves in practicum , so as to get experience from practice , and promote their own comprehen-sive capabilities .Only when they have strong capa-bility and a high self -quality , can they succeed in the fierce competition for employment .Finally, the ethnic minority college graduates should correct some of their misunderstandings in job choosing . Although big cities might be good , they might not be suitable for the individuals own self -develop-ment.Although small cities are “small”, they also contains many good opportunities .
In conclusion , on one hand , the government , universities and society should cooperate with each other and provide a good external environment for the employment of ethnic minority college gradu-ates.On the other hand , the ethnic minority col-lege graduates should change the way they think a-bout choosing their jobs , and improve their own capabilities .Only by doing this , can the ethnic minority college graduates turn their disadvantages in the employment competition into advantages;in-crease their employment rate;ensure social stabili-ty;do what little one can to help the development of the western underdevelopment region , minority region, disaster -hit area etc.and, make contri-butions to enhancing the national core competitive-ness and realizing the “China Dream”.
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