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(2010年11月14日)尊敬的各位领导、各位嘉宾,朋友们:今天,“2010中国桂林·史前文化遗产国际高峰论坛”在桂林隆重开幕,在此我谨代表中共桂林市委、市人民政府对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺,对各位嘉宾的到来表示热烈的欢迎,对大家一直以来对桂林的关心、支持和帮助表示衷心的感谢!桂林市辖12县5城区,总人口500多万,总面积2.78万平方公里,有壮、回、苗、瑶、侗等少数民族70多万人,是世界著名的风景旅游城市和历史文化名城。接待过150多位国家元首政要,被联合国旅游组织确定为首批旅游目的地城市。 (November 14, 2010) Dear leaders, ladies and gentlemen, Today, “2010 China Guilin Prehistoric Cultural Heritage International Summit Forum” was grandly opened in Guilin. Here I would like to represent the CPC Guilin Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Party Committee The People’s Government extended warm congratulations on the convening of the conference and extended a warm welcome to all guests and expressed heartfelt thanks to all of you for your interest, support and help in Guilin. Guilin has jurisdiction over 12 counties and 5 urban districts with a total population of over 500 With a total area of ​​27,800 square kilometers, there are more than 700,000 ethnic minorities such as Zhuang, Hui, Miao, Yao and Dong. It is a famous scenic tourist city and historical and cultural city in the world. He has received over 150 heads of state heads of state heads of state heads of government and has been identified as the first tourist destination cities by the United Nations Tourism Organization.
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千百年来,监禁刑作为惩罚犯罪的主要形式伴随着人类社会的发展跨越了各种社会历史文化形态。进入现代社会,世界各国普遍面临 For thousands of years, prison imprisonment
今年年初,李敏儒博士利用在哈佛作访问学者之便,就当前大家关心的一些问题请教了杜维明教授,整理了这篇访谈录。本文经过杜先生审阅。文内标题为本刊所加。 Earlier this ye
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