A Scale Invariant Interest Point Detector in Gabor Based Energy Space

来源 :自动化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangbao_2002
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Interest point detection is a fundamental issue in many intermediate level vision problems and plays a significant role in vision systems. The previous interest point detectors are designed to detect some special image structures such as cers, junctions, line terminations and so on. These detectors based on some simplified 2D feature models will not work for image fea-tures that differ significantly from the models. In this paper, a scale invariant interest point detector, which is appropriate for most types of image features, is proposed based on an iterative method in the Gabor based energy space. It detects interest points by noting that there are some similarities in the phase domain for all types of image features, which are obtained by different detectors respectively. Firstly, this approach obtains the positions of candidate points by detecting the local maxima of a series of energy maps constructed by Gabor filter responses. Secondly, an iterative algorithm is adopted to select the corre-sponding characteristic scales and accurately locate the interest points simultaneously in the Gabor based energy space. Finally, in order to improve the real-time performance of the approach, a fast implementation of Gabor function is used to accelerate the process of energy space construction. Experiments show that this approach has a broader applicability than the other detec-tors and has a good performance under rotation and some other image changes.
2007年9月27日,坦桑石基金会(TF)与国际宝石学院(IGI)在香港珠宝展上举办讲座,宣布在IGI香港实验室启动坦桑石分级鉴定服务,并介绍了坦桑石质量体系--Tanzanite Quality Scal
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