大力发展设施渔业 加速建设“海上山东”

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由于海洋、湖泊等水域的污染日益加重,海淡水养殖的发展前景不容乐观。海洋、内陆水域渔业资源的逐年衰减,再加上中日、中韩渔业协定的签订,导致我国的海洋渔业水域正在进一步减少,渔获量增加的可能性几乎不存在。连年的干旱,也在某种程度上限制了淡水养殖业的发展。因此,渔业面临的形势是十分严峻的。 21世纪是海洋的世纪,是人们向大海索取食物、发展海洋经济的世纪。山东省在1991年就提出了建设“海上山东”的宏伟战略构想和发展目标,并付诸实施。“海上山东”建设是21世纪山东最具前景和潜力的新的经济增长点,是山东省跨世纪的一项系统工程。要实现建设“海上山东”的战略目标,渔业的位置非常重要。 Due to the increasing pollution of the ocean, lakes and other waters, the development prospect of sea freshwater aquaculture is not optimistic. The year-by-year decay of marine and inland water fisheries resources, coupled with the signing of fishery agreements between China, Japan and China and South Korea, has led to the further reduction of marine fishery waters in our country and the possibility of increasing catches is almost non-existent. The successive years of drought have also limited the development of freshwater aquaculture to a certain extent. Therefore, the situation facing the fishery is very serious. The 21st century is the century of the sea and the century when people seek food from the sea and develop the marine economy. In 1991, Shandong Province proposed the grand strategic concept and development goal of building “Sea Shandong Province” and put it into effect. “Maritime Shandong” construction is the most promising and potential new economic growth point in Shandong in the 21st century and is a systematic project of the cross-century in Shandong Province. To achieve the strategic goal of building “Sea Shandong”, the location of fisheries is very important.
2008年,75岁的加拿大民谣歌手伦纳德·科恩(Leonard Cohen)获得了第52届格莱美终身成就奖。这般高龄得奖,似乎老了一点,不过,科恩好像从来都没有年轻过:1967年他开始演唱
养鱼先养水,为甲鱼提供一个舒适、爽洁、安静的自下而上环境是养殖甲鱼的关键技术之一。 一、水质的酸碱度:养殖甲鱼要求水质呈弱碱性,pH值在7.5-8.0之间是最合适的。在多雨