
来源 :当代教育实践与教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caipeng1999
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素质教育在我国不断地深化发展,近几年已经逐渐成为教育领域中必不可少的一个重要的环节。应该在各个学校都坚持实施素质教育,为国家更好地培养优秀人才。在职业院校中,重点是要培养专门针对某一领域的专业性人才,而这种培养机制的基础就是素质教育,要求学生能够做到德智体美劳五个方面的全面发展与提高,提升学生自身的修养,成为能够服务第一线的高能力人才。而对于高职院校中的体育院校来说,培养学生的自身修养更加重要。如何能够在这类学校中很好地实施素质教育,值得我们进行深入的思考。 In recent years, quality education has continuously deepened its development in our country and has gradually become an indispensable link in education. All schools should insist on the implementation of quality education to better train qualified personnel for the country. In vocational schools, the key point is to cultivate specialized talents in a specific field. The basis of this training mechanism is quality education, requiring students to achieve the all-round development and improvement of ethics, Improve their own self-cultivation, become able to serve the forefront of high-capacity personnel. For the PE institutes in higher vocational colleges, it is more important to cultivate students’ self-cultivation. How to carry out quality education well in such schools deserves our in-depth thinking.
采用反应烧结技术制备了Ti3AlC2材料,研究了该材料的载流摩擦磨损性能。结果表明,随电流强度的增大,Ti3AlC2材料的摩擦系数和磨损率均呈现增加的趋势,在80 A时分别达到最大值
野外研究显示 ,产生甲烷的微生物能够在压力达400atm的特别深处产生出甲烷。尽管水合物分布广泛 ,但在海底钻探中很少采集到 ,以自然状态采入实验室就更难了。按粗略的和保守的估计
Investigations of sediment-water fluxes of nutrients in the Bohai Sea were carried out in September - October 1998 and April - May 1999. The exchange fluxes of
各位会员 :第十届中国海岸工程学术讨论会将于 2 0 0 1年 10月下旬在辽宁省丹东市召开 ,欢迎到会进行学术交流。现将会议有关事项通知如下 :1 会议时间 :10月 2 2日报到 ,2
An algal assemblage collected from the bottom of floe in the Greenland Sea was batchcultured at 1±1℃ and 10 salinity gradients varied from 4 0 to 90 8 for 1
股市跌宕起伏、房价持续走低、储蓄利率降至谷底,似乎目前是艺术品投资最好的时段。艺术品不仅可以避免纸币贬值带来的财产损失,而且对收藏爱好者来说,也是自我提升的一种方式。但自古以来艺术品收藏界都乱象横生,这些乱象是怎么发生的?在进行艺术收藏时,应如何避免泡沫?目前到底哪些领域还可以出手?  混乱的收藏界  上文提到的李舒弟诉“西风”案件始于2015年7月29日网上一篇标题为《浙师大艺术馆藏品“假到离谱
Chinese “Xue Long” breaker made its first voyage to the Arctic Ocean for scientific expedition from July to September, 1999. The tethersonde meteorological t