Designed in China

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  China's embrace of the automobile over the past decade has been staggering. A total of 13.6 mil-lion vehicles were sold in China in 2009, when China overtook the United States as world's largest car market.
On August 1, 2010, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee inscribed China Danxia as a natural site in the world heritage list at its 34th session held from July 25 to August 3 this year in Brasilia, capita
The 40 millionth visitor at the 2010World Expo in Shanghai wandered throughthe turnstile on August 14, the 106th day ofoperation since the May 1 opening, whichsaw temperatures hover at 40 degreesCelsi
Heavy metal pollution poses a serious threat to public health
A young mother of 7-year-old twins hadto give up her little girl to save her son. Thepainful decision made by the young motherchanged the whole family's destiny.
Both the EAFTA and the CEPEA arefree trade arrangements. The EAFTA,made up of the 10 ASEAN nations plusChina, Japan and South Korea, was pro-posed by the East Asia Vision Group in2001. China and the A
利用外资是我国对外开放基本国策的重要内容。改革开放以来,我国积极吸引外商投资,促进了产业升级和技术进步,外商投资企业已成为国民经济的重要组成部分。目前,我国利用外资的优势依然明显。为提高利用外资质量和水平,更好地发挥利用外资在推动科技创新、产业升级、区域协调发展等方面的积极作用,现提出如下意见:    一、优化利用外资结构    (一)根据我国经济发展需要,结合国家产业调整和振兴规划要求,修订《外
Red Cross Ambassador    Action star and philanthropist Jet Li has been named the first ever Goodwill Ambassador for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).
Guangdong Province insouth China has beenbusy preparing for theGuangzhou 2010 AsianGames (November 12-27).To ensure success, theprovince has completed new infra-structure projects, renovated sportsfac
In the middle of September, an old woman in east China's Shandong Province offered to transplant one of her kidneys to her son who is suffering from uremia.
In mid-August, Israel, displaying its militarymight, launched a large-scale military exercisein a northern area that borders Lebanon.