
来源 :中国边防警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:samfl
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安全不仅仅涉及你、我、他,而且还涉及单位、个人及家庭,今天的安全具有整体性、全局性,牵一发而动全身,是一个“大安全”的概念。一个酒店老板在会上问员工:“如果上餐时手上托盘将掉下来又救之不及,该怎么办?”许多人无以应对,觉得只能将托盘掉下来。这时老板说:“托盘就要掉下来无可挽回,但即使这时,也要用最后一点力量,使托盘掉向远离客人的地方;如果有大人和小孩,则远离小孩;如果有男人和女人,则远离女人:如果只能倒向人的身体,则要远离人的要害部位……这是我们必须遵守的原则。”把托盘将倾比作事故即将发生,那 Security involves not only you, myself and him, but also units, individuals and families. Today’s security is a concept of “big security”, which is holistic and global. A hotelier asks the staff at the meeting: “What to do if the pallet on the palms will fall off while on the meal? ” Many people do not respond and feel that they can only drop the pallet. At this moment the boss said: “The tray will fall down irreparably, but even then, with the last strength, the tray should be removed away from the guests. If there are adults and children, stay away from children. If there is a man And woman, then away from the woman: If you can only fall back to the human body, then away from the vital parts of mankind ... This is the principle we must comply with. ”The tray will be tilted as an accident is about to happen
这就是长城这就是烽火台这就是塞外么曾经连天的烽火连天的号角还有那些疲惫的军士都曾在这里停留 还有那已去的岁月那曾连绵的征战那个年青女子曾经千山万水走来送寒衣给那
Someone always does nothing but play, And says another day comes after the day. Time waits for no man, It quietly goes away. Youll feel regret but delay, Work
用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Y ou m ustlisten to the teacher(careful)in class.2.Id like two(kilo)of(tom ato).3.—W hatdoes your father do?—H e is a(drive)
A m an ofthe state(国家)ofSong is worried abouthis seedlings(幼苗)growing too slowly.H e pulls up theseedlings one by one and com es hom e.“I am tired out(精疲