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如今,作文备考已由写作基本能力和技巧的掌握转向有关素材的积累和运用,而从最终的意义上来说,选择什么样的材料往往决定了一篇作文的高下。俗话说:“宁咬鲜桃一口,不吃烂杏半筐。”选择新鲜的、富有时代气息的当下材料,比用那些被人嚼烂了的名人轶事、古今佳话要亲切得多,也更能使读者耳目一新、赏心悦目,增强文章的表现力和说服力。为了帮助考生更好地积累素材、理解素材、运用素材,笔者搜集整理了一些最新热点话题,并提示运用方向,给考生以实质性的帮助。 Today, composition preparation has shifted from the mastery of writing basic skills and skills to the accumulation and use of related materials. In the final sense, what kind of material is chosen often determines the comprehension of an essay. As the saying goes: “Ning bite fresh peach, do not eat rotten apricot half basket. ” Choose fresh, contemporary flavor of the current material, than the use of those crumbling celebrities, ancient and modern stories are much more gracious It will also make readers more refreshing and pleasing to the eye and enhance the expressiveness and persuasiveness of the articles. In order to help candidates better accumulate materials, understand materials, and use materials, the author collected and organized some of the latest hot topics, and prompted the use of direction to give candidates a substantial help.
嗬,这个老爸挺新鲜,“劣迹斑斑”俨然环保反面教材:顶着“荒漠化”严重的脑袋,吞云吐雾地释放“大气污染”,偶尔还制造几声“噪音污染”。 嗬, this dad is very fresh, “s
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我们的思维方式通常是复制性的,也就是说,以过去遇到的相似问题为基础。遇到问题的时候,我们就会这样想:“我在生活、学习及工作中学到的 Our way of thinking is usually d
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我叫高璨,出生在一个阳光都开始孕育果实的季节,这时正是“花褪残红青杏小”,桃李挂果的四月,果实已经踏上了成长的旅程。 My name is Gao Can and I was born in a season
一、2009年高考文综(北京卷)政治试题的主要特点1.注重基础知识的考查。试卷中考查纯基础知识试题占有一定的比例。(见下表) First, the 2009 college entrance examination
这是一个美丽的春天,老屋前的槐树一点点被春天描绿了,一丝丝绿含着暖暖的阳光。 This is a beautiful spring, the old house in front of a little green tree painted by
摇摇熊爱吃水果。他抱着水果,稀里呼噜一会儿就吃完一个。可摇摇熊最讨厌水果里的那些,他把他们叫做骨头。“呸!呸!骨头不好吃,”摇摇熊不小心把果核咬碎了。 Shake bear lo