A Greedy Story

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  In a history lesson, one student asked Mr. Brown what the greed was. He told a wonderful story about it.
  A king would have a big dinner party on Monday, so he got all kinds of dishes prepared. But he couldnt get one special fish. He told everyone whoever brought that fish, he would get a beautiful reward.
  Many fishermen tried but they couldnt find that fish. Just the day before the party a fisherman came with that fish. At the gate, the gatekeeper asked the reason. When the fisherman told him about the fish and reward, he said he would allow him in if he promised to give him half the reward. The fisherman agreed.
  The king was pretty pleased with the fish and planned to give him lots of money, but the fisherman refused. Instead he wanted a hundred lashes. King was surprised but the fisherman kept on. King had to ask someone to do it. When the fisherman received fifty, he asked him to stop. “I promised the gatekeeper to share the half of reward.” He explained everything.
  The king understood and gave the gatekeeper fifty lashes. Of course he also asked the gatekeeper to leave the palace. The fisherman also got a beautiful prize finally.
  The teacher told the student greed can cause a terrible result.
  Word bank: greed n. 貪婪 reward n. 奖赏 fisherman n. 渔人 gatekeeper n. 守门人 lash n. 抽打  palace n. 宫殿
  1. When did the fisherman come to king with the fish?
  A. On Saturday. B. On Sunday. C. On Monday. D. On Tuesday.
  2. What did the gatekeeper really want?
  A. Fifty lashes. B. That fish. C. A good job. D. Much money.
  3. What happened to the gatekeeper finally?
  A. He got fifty lashes. B. He got a better job.
  C. He made friends with the fisherman. D. He got a lot of money.
  4. Why did the fisherman ask for a hundred lashes?
  A. He liked the lashes very much. B. He disliked the king very much.
  C. He wanted to give the gatekeeper a lesson. D. He thought the king was unhappy.
  5. What did the fisherman get at last?
  A. The job as a gatekeeper. B. The cook in the palace.
  C. A beautiful room in the palace. D. A lot of money.
【摘 要】随着我国网络在我们日常生活中的不断普及,所以我们在重视市场营销课程教学方法的研究过程中必须要重视起营销课程的网络化教学,只有这样才能更加全面的了解到人生日常的生活需求。而作为主要人才培养基地的技工院校,有效的探索和培养新型市场营销专业人才的模式对我国的经济发展来说是非常有现实意义的。  【关键词】技工院校 市场营销 课程网络化  一、什么是网络化教学模式  网络化教学模式主要是以计算机网
【摘 要】高效课堂主要是指教学过程的最优化,教育效果的最大化。是每一位教师不断追求的目标,也是师生共同进步、知识和素养共同提高的一种体现。所谓的高效课堂,顾名思义就是指高效率的课堂,这样的课堂才是时下最需要的,是顺应局势发展的,只有课堂效率提高了,才能保证学生的学习成绩。在高中英语课堂教学上,教师在单位时间里最大限度地让学生接受和掌握目标知识,采取多种不方法激发学生的学习兴趣。  【关键词】高中英
【摘 要】时代在发展,科技在进步,改革在实施,随着新课程改革的不断深化,我国的的教育事业上升到了发展趋势良好的轨道。俗话说的好“音乐是人的一种灵魂伴侣”,人人都喜欢音乐,这种背景良好的情况下,高中生音乐教育得到了好的发展机遇。获得了难得的良好发展机遇,受到了国家前所未有的重视。高中音乐教育影响着学生的全面发展,改革前的音乐教育,人们对音乐教育的重视度低下,认为高中生的全部精力应放在学习上,而这个学
【摘 要】随着全球化的推进,英语作为一种国际语言,对于经济贸易及其他领域的沟通交流起着重要的作用。作为必修课程,英语课程的学习既是通过英语学习和实践活动逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程,又是他们磨练意志、陶冶情操、拓宽视野、丰富生活经历、开发思维能力、发展个性和提高人文素养的过程。英语教学既应包括传统的教育领域的知识和能力,也应要重视学生核心素养培养,从而促进学生的全面发展以适应
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【摘 要】音乐作为幼儿艺术培养的重要部分,在近几年整体音乐学习的情况上来看,逐渐的呈现出了低龄化的态势。文章主要就西方古典音乐对幼儿启蒙教育的现实意义及重要作用分别进行阐述,并提出了相关的具体实施方法。  【关键词】古典音乐 幼儿教育 策略分析  西方古典音乐是古代欧洲众多著名音乐家思想以及智慧的结晶,不仅在欧洲文艺复兴时期产生了巨大的轰动,其深远的影响力一直持续的推动着现今音乐艺术领域的蓬勃发展
【摘 要】铁道机车专业是职业教育中的实践教学需求大的典型,但当前仍然面临着与市场脱节的众多问题。针对这些问题,本文提出从实践基地建设、校企合作、优化评估体系等方面进行教学改革。  【关键词】铁道机车专业 实践教学 教学脱节 改革  随着我国经济水平和教育水平的发展,兼具专业理论知识和职业操作素质的人才缺口越来越大,与当前严峻的就业形势矛盾也越来越突出——既反映出经济科技发展要求的提高,也侧面反映出
【摘 要】听力在高考中所占的比例较大,所以听力训练很关键。“精听”和“泛听”相结合。由于中西方文化差异很大,要求学生有必要了解西方文化的风土人情和礼仪方面的知识。而我们老师要有针对性的对学生进行的听力训练。在训练过程中,单词,短语,句子和语篇的理解尤为重要。  【关键词】精听 泛听 语境 文化背景  一、安定听前情绪,预测所听内容  力也是对考生心理素质水平的检测。过于紧张焦急的情绪容易产生恐惧心
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