Clay is one of the main types of paddy soil in the northern subtropics. It is widely distributed in the areas south of the Huaihe River and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in Japan, as well as in Kyushu, Shikoku and southern Honshu of Japan. This area is the major rice-wheat double cropping area. The reason why the clay is distributed in this area is determined by the characteristics of agriculture. Alleviating the rice generally occurs in the zonal soils of the area and the reddish brown weathered crusts and their re-sediments, the process of albinism is widespread. Reddish weathering crusts are extremely widespread in this area and are characterized by low levels of active iron and manganese and easy reduction and rinsing, with heavy soil-light clay, of which the amount of silt is high, which provides for the formation of clay The objective foundation, because of the distribution of white clay in the valley sites, river terraces and ancient plains, and in the current sediments of rivers and lakes are rare. The process of clay formation is carried out under the redox alternation, which includes two main aspects: chemical leaching and mechanical leaching. Under the action of these two processes, the typical characteristics of clay are presented - the nutrients and activity in the upper part of the profile Manganese poor, clay content decreased, while the content of silt increased, resulting in obvious phenomenon of the formation of slurry.