Study on HPLC method to determine contents of Schisandrin A and Schisandrin B in Schisandra chinensi

来源 :Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ping_ge
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The determination method of Schisandrin A and Schisandrin B in Schisandra chinensis was improved with the high performance liquid chromagraphy(HPLC).The sample was extracted exceedingly in the critical limit of CO 2 .The retention time of Schisandrin A and Schisandrin B was reduced,with methano/water(75:25)as mobile phase.The wavelength for detection was 254 nm. The R2 of standard curve was 0.9998 and the relative standard deviation was 2.31%and 3.17%with the recovery of 96.45%and 97.37%,respectively.The result shows that the rate of veracity of this method is higher and it proves that the determination method of Schisandrin A and Schisandrin B in Schisandra chinensis is a feasible method. The determination method of Schisandrin A and Schisandrin B in Schisandra chinensis was improved with the high performance liquid chromagraphy (HPLC). The sample was extracted exceedingly in the critical limit of CO 2. The retention time of Schisandrin A and Schisandrin B was reduced, with The R2 of standard curve was 0.9998 and the relative standard deviation was 2.31% and 3.17% with the recovery of 96.45% and 97.37%, respectively. methano / water (75:25) as mobile phase. The result shows that the rate of veracity of this method is higher and it proves that the determination method of Schisandrin A and Schisandrin B in Schisandra chinensis is a feasible method.
4月15日,2007新疆天然植物提取物技术开发与产业化论坛在乌鲁木齐举行,来自北京、南京、广东以及疆内的科研专家和企业家围绕新疆天然植物提取物技术等相关内容展开讨论。 O
在一条路上坚持到底固然是一种好品格,可是如果在一条死路上坚持却是毫无意义的。  20世纪40年代末,一个年轻小伙子在巴黎经营起了一家小小的剧院,经营剧院是他从小以来的梦想。因为他小时候生活在意大利的水城威尼斯,他的父亲曾是那里的一个剧院老板,后来因为战争才不得不关闭剧院,举家迁到了巴黎。    然而,小伙子似乎并不擅长于经营剧院,他不懂灯光,也不懂舞台设计,最要命的是他还无法根据政治形势采用剧本。
【摘要】随着现代技术的飞速发展,多媒体技术的应用在我国教育改革的进程中逐渐广泛开来,成为教师进行课堂教学的重要辅助工具。本文在对多媒体技术应用于教学的意义进行讨论的基础上,探析了中职物理教学中使用多媒体技术的几点注意事项,旨在为教育工作的顺利进行提供相关的借鉴。  【关键词】多媒体技术 中职教育 物理教学  【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)37-01
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