结合企业实际 抓好作风建设

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中共十五届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强和改进党的作风建设的决定》,是我们党成立80年来、执政52年来,第一次以党的中央委员会全体会议的形式做出的关于加强和改进党的作风的决定。这一决定代表了全党的强烈要求,表达了全国人民的迫切愿望。深入学习《决定》,对于全面推动党的建设新的伟大工程,加强和改进党的作风,密切党与人民群众的联系,巩固党的执政地位,具有重大的现实意义和长远意义。注重党的作风建设,是我们党发展壮大的宝贵经验之一,也是我们党值得骄傲的光荣传统。在新的世纪里,全党面临新的形势、新的任务,实事求是地分析党的作风建设的现状,在加强和改进党的作风的同时,一方面要注意继承与发扬党的优良作风,另一方面也要注意创新形式,在党的建设实践中大步前进。为此,本刊编辑部邀请了几位同志围绕这一话题开展笔谈,以期引起广大读者的关注。  The “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening and Improving the Style of Work of the Party” adopted by the Sixth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee has been made for the first time in the plenary session of the Central Committee of the Party since the party was established 80 years ago Decision on Strengthening and Improving the Party’s Style. This decision represents the strong demand of the entire party and expresses the urgent aspiration of the people throughout the country. To study in depth the “decision” has great practical significance and long-term significance in promoting the great new project of party building in an all-round way, strengthening and improving the style of the party, cementing the ties between the party and the people, and consolidating the party’s ruling position. Paying attention to the building of the party’s style of work is one of the precious experiences our party has developed and expanded. It is also a glorious tradition that our party is proud of. In the new century, the entire party is confronted with new situations and new tasks, analyzing the current situation of the party’s style of work in a pragmatic and realistic manner. While strengthening and improving the party’s style of work, we must pay attention to inheriting and developing the party’s fine style of work. On the other hand, On the one hand, we should also pay attention to the innovative forms and make great strides in the party’s construction practice. To this end, our editorial department invited a few comrades to carry out written discussions around this topic, with a view to arousing the readers attention.
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