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市场是商品交换关系的总和。同样,图书市场是图书商品交换关系的总和。出版社、发行商和读者三者之间,在商品供应、销售、购买选择等方面均存在着不断变化的交换关系。当今的图书市场,由于供求双方的关系不断演进,在经济核算和利润驱动之下,图书商品的供应不断趋向于有需求、多数量、选题具有竞争性的品种,因此,图书市场逐渐转变为买方市场。在买方市场条件下,供给相对过剩,图书销售竞争更加激烈,从出版开始就需要寻找买点。发行商更是在销售品种、时机、数量中间寻求利润和发展空间。读者对于买书的时间、地点、需求品种及其替代品种、购买方式的选择余地更大。 The market is the sum of the exchange of goods. Similarly, the book market is the sum of the book exchange of goods. Publishers, distributors and readers all have ever-changing exchange relationships in terms of supply of goods, sales, purchase choices, and so forth. In today’s book market, due to the continuous evolution of the relationship between supply and demand, the supply of book commodities tends to be in demand, with a large number of competing varieties under the drive of economic accounting and profit. As a result, the book market has gradually shifted to buyer market. In the buyer’s market conditions, the relative surplus of supply, book sales competition is more intense, from the beginning of the publication need to find buy. Distributors are selling varieties, timing, the number of middle profit and space for development. Readers buy books for the time and place, the variety of varieties and alternatives, the choice of purchase more room.
摘 要  英语一般过去时最初是一种语法性的、指称性的时态,主要表述发生在现在时刻之前的事情,但目前也用于委婉语气的非真实性表达。本文试图从认知语言学视角,分析过去时的时间距离、表委婉的语用功能及其背后的认知过程。  【关键词】过去时;时间距离;委婉语气;认知过程  1 引言  英语一般过去时作为一个语法范畴,既可以表示过去时间里发生的事情,也可以指现在或者将来时间,即Quirk等语法学家对于过去时
以德治国,德者,道德也。道德者,品德、公德、美德也。 过去人们把道德理解为中国哲学的一对范畴。“道”原指人行的道路,借用为事物运动变化所必需遵循的普遍规律或万物的本
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下边发表的浙江省人才研究会领导、资深学者缪进鸿教授致我社社长的来信,情深意切,向我社提出了一项很好的建议,值得重视。 他提出希望本刊开辟一块园地,让广大读者对用人及
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