Making a Difference

来源 :考试与评价·八年级版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tk6014
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  Robert told his students a story. He said, “You can bring change to the world even if its a small one. Your small help can also make a big difference to someones life.”
  Robert often ran around a park near a lake. Each time he ran on Sunday, he could see an old woman sitting by the lake with a small metal cage next to her. Robert really wondered what she did there.
  One Sunday he walked over to her and realized the small cage was a trap! In it, there were three turtles and one was on her lap. She was carefully brushing its shell. Robert said, “If you dont mind, I would love to know what you are doing with these turtles.”
  She smiled, “I am cleaning their shells. As anything in its shell like algae can cause heart problem and slow its swimming speed. It will also make its shell weaker. Every Sunday I come here and spend hours relaxing and helping these little animals out. Its my own way to make a difference.”
  Robert felt surprised, “But dont most turtles live their whole life with algae?” The woman said yes sadly. Robert got confused, “Dont you think your time could be better spent? Your actions are nice and there are so many turtles around the world, but 99 percent of them have nobody to clean their shells. How can you truly make a difference?”
  The woman looked at the turtle on her lap, “If this little turtle could speak, he would tell you I made a big difference to it.”
  Word bank: trap n. 捕籠 turtle n. 乌龟 lap n. 膝盖 algae n. 海藻 confused adj. 困惑的
  1. Where did the turtles come from according to the passage?
  A. The park. B. The cage. C. The school. D. The lake.
  2. How did Robert feel when he found the cage was a trap?
  A. He was surprised. B. He was upset.
  C. He was excited. D. He was bored.
  3. How many problems can the algae bring to the turtle according to the fourth paragraph?
  A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
  4. What kind of person was the woman in Roberts eyes?
  A. She was a kind woman. B. She was a relaxed woman.
  C. She was an honest woman. D. She was a patient woman.
  5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
  A. Robert ran in the park only on Sunday.
  B. The woman just brushed the little turtles.
  C. The woman didnt want to relax herself.
  D. Robert might be a teacher in a primary school.
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一、单项选择。  1. —Time is money.  —But I think time is ____ money.   A. as important as B. more important than   C. the most important D. less important as  2. —Home is ____ place wherever you go.  —Yes.
1. population n. 人口;群体  作主语,表达一个整体概念时,谓语动词用单数;当其前有分数或百分数修饰时,谓语动词可用单数或复数。  The population is increasing faster and faster. 人口增长得越来越快。  【拓展】 (1) 询问人口数量的句型是:Whats the population of...?  Whats the populat