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事实上,我们所熟知的美术史是否全面、客观、公允,是需要打一个大大的问号的。明代“后七子”之一王世贞曾说:“钱塘戴文进(浙派大家戴进),生前作画不能买一饱,是小厄;后百年,吴中声价渐不敌相城翁(沈周),是大厄。”或因地处偏远、社会地位低下,或因门户之间的偏见,或因画家本人的不求闻达,很多画家被遗忘或遭到人为的贬低,他们的历史地位与其艺术成就并不相称。上世纪80年代,黄秋园、陈子庄的被发现曾轰动了整个画坛,离我们并不遥远的20世纪,除了吴、齐、黄、潘四大家之外,其实尚有诸多画家在各自的领域取得了很高的艺术成就。我刊本期重点介绍的罗铭先生即是其中之一,但长期以来,由于各种因素,对他的宣传是远远不够的。今后.对类似的已故大家,我刊将予以更多的关注。真实而准确地还原历史,是我们共同的责任。 In fact, whether the art history we know well is comprehensive, objective and fair requires a big question mark. Wang Shizhen, one of the “last seven” children of the Ming Dynasty, once said: “Dai Wenjin from Qiantang (Dai Zijin from Zhejiang School) can not buy a full meal in his lifetime and is Xiao E’e. In the latter century, Wu Zhongsheng gradually lost his power to the phase-Weng (Shen Zhou). ”Because of their remoteness, low social status, prejudice between portals, or the artists’ own inaction, many painters are forgotten or artificially degraded. Their historical status is not commensurate with their artistic achievements. 80s of last century, Huang Qiuyuan, Chenzhuang Zhuang was found to have sensationalized the entire painting, not far away from us in the 20th century, in addition to Wu, Qi, Huang, Pan four people, in fact, there are still many painters in their respective fields made High artistic achievement. One of them, Mr. Luo Ming, highlighted in this issue of the magazine, is one of them. However, for a long time, it is far from enough to promote him because of various factors. from now on. For similar deceased people, I will pay more attention. It is our common responsibility to restore history truthfully and accurately.
郑雅风Zhengya feng 1974年出生于福建福清。1996年毕业于中国美术学院。现为中国美术家协会会员,福建省画院专职画师。2003年作品《阳光季节》获“第二届全国中国画展”银奖
目的:探究乳腺超声影像报告和数据系统(Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System,BI-RADS)在社区女性乳腺肿瘤筛查工作中的应用。方法:对2015年3月10日-3月31日在本社区卫