河北胜利客车厂是河北胜利企业集团公司的核心企业,是河北省汽车集团公司的紧密层企业,国家轻型客车定点生产厂,1994年在国内汽车市场不太景气、众多厂家出现较大滑坡的情况下,调整结构,苦练内功,开拓市场,仍取得了较好的成绩,销售收入比上年增长6%,汽车产销量和实现利税也都有不同程度的增长,走出了一条搞活企业的成功之路。 ——调整产品结构,开发适销对路产品。产品是企业的根本,没有好的产品,企业经济效益就无从谈起。几年来,我厂效益比较好,首先是把开发适
Hebei Victory Bus Factory is a core enterprise of Hebei Shengli Enterprise Group Corporation and a close-tier enterprise of Hebei Automobile Group Corporation. The state-owned light passenger vehicle fixed-point production plant was not so booming in the domestic automobile market in 1994, and many manufacturers experienced a major decline. Next, we adjusted the structure, worked hard, and opened up new markets. We still achieved good results. Sales revenue increased by 6% over the previous year. Auto production and sales, and the realization of profits and taxes also have varying degrees of growth, and we have succeeded in invigorating our business. the road. ——Adjust product structure and develop marketable products. Products are fundamental to the enterprise. Without good products, the economic benefits of the enterprise cannot be discussed. Over the past few years, our plant has been more effective. First of all, it is suitable for development.