Uppermost Permian Radiolarian Biostratigraphy ofSouthern Guizhou, Southwest China

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xtipdx
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With abundant deep-water upper Permian sediments, Guizhou is an ideal place for the research of radiolarian biostratigraphy of Upper Permian. The sections of Sidazhai and Lekang in southern Guizhou Province are studied. Lithology and biostratigraphy of the siliceous rock sequence of uppermost Permian in the two sections are introduced. Radiolarian assemblage zones, Neoalbaillella optima assemblage zone and Klaengspongus spinosus assemblage zone in ascending order are established for the topmost Permian of southern Guizhou. The Klaengspongus spinosus zone has been the topmost radiolarian assemblage zone of Permian, which is also correlated with former ones in a considerable depth. With abundant deep-water upper Permian sediments, Guizhou is an ideal place for the research of radiolarian biostratigraphy of Upper Permian. The sections of Sidazhai and Lekang in southern Guizhou Province are studied. Lithology and biostratigraphy of the siliceous rock sequence of uppermost Permian in the Two sections are introduced. Radiolarian assemblage zones, Neoalbaillella optima assemblage zone and Klaengspongus spinosus assemblage zone in ascending order are for the topmost Permian of southern Guizhou. The Klaengspongus spinosus zone has been the topmost radiolarian assemblage zone of Permian, which is also also associated with former ones in a considerable depth
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