
来源 :现代家教 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:falconcarmack
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许多孩子面对父母精心烹制的美食毫无兴趣,而对冰淇淋、果汁之类的冷饮、零食却需求无度,让父母们存担忧营养不够的同时,还担心吃坏了小孩的肠胃。什么原因导致了小孩的厌食? 专家认为,厌食可由躯体疾病和精神因素引起,对幼儿来说,后者导致的厌食颇为多见。由精神因素引起的厌食又称神经性厌食。小儿神经性厌食形成的主要原因系不良的饮食习惯降低了小儿食物中枢的兴奋性,与家长的不当喂养有着很大的关系。专家从以下几个方面进行了分析: 1.常让孩子独自一人先吃,不与家人一起进食,没有饮食气氛。2 孩子进食时,父母或他人过分紧张地注视着,造成小儿精神紧张。3.用种种许诺诱惑小儿进食或者用玩具逗小儿进食,降低了进食兴趣。4.孩子进食时注意力不集中,边吃边看电视或画册,抑制消化液的分泌,影响消化功能。5 孩子拒食时,家长强迫其进食,造 Many children have no interest in the delicacies cooked by their parents. However, cold drinks such as ice cream, fruit juices, and snacking are in dire need, leaving parents fearful of lack of nutrition while worrying about eating the stomach of a child. What causes anorexia? Experts believe that anorexia can be caused by somatic diseases and mental factors, the latter caused by the latter is quite common anorexia. Anorexia caused by mental factors, also known as anorexia nervosa. The main reason for the formation of anorexia nervosa in children is poor eating habits reduce the excitability of children’s food center, and parents have a great relationship between feeding. Experts from the following aspects were analyzed: 1. Let the children often eat the first child alone, do not eat with their families, there is no atmosphere of eating. 2 children eating, parents or others looked too nervously, resulting in mental stress in children. 3. With all kinds of promises to tempt children to eat or eat with toys to teens, reducing eating interest. 4. Children eating low concentration, eating or watching TV or album, inhibit the secretion of digestive juice, affecting digestive function. 5 children refuse to eat, parents forced to eat, made
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