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2003年10月31日,中国煤矿尘肺病治疗基金会成立,它成立的背后是很多人的爱心与汗水,其中就有两届政府总理和一位已故老部长的关怀……王颜科做梦也没想到自己能接受一次肺灌洗,这个连付差旅费都困难的老矿工,只知道这次北戴河免费灌洗是基金会为自己掏的治疗费,他却不清楚这份关爱究竟包括多少人的努力,更不清楚基金会成立背后的故事。说起中国煤矿尘肺病治疗基金会,就不能不提到一个人——原煤炭部部长高扬文。凡是听说过这位已故老人经历的人,都会由衷地敬佩他。话还得从1990年说起,那年时任煤炭部部长的高扬文,听说北戴河中国煤矿工人疗养院正用灌洗方法给尘师病病人治疗,且效果不错,于是他特意跑去看。到了北戴河,他一下子就看呆了,用他日后的话说“看到一瓶瓶黄水、黑水、石渣、煤灰从肺里洗出来”。看到洗完肺的病人十分轻松,他觉得这是一种好的治疗方法。 October 31, 2003, China Coal Pneumoconiosis Foundation was established, behind the founding of which is the love and sweat of many people, of which there are two government ministers and a deceased old minister’s care ... ... Wang Yanke did not dream Think of myself can accept a lung lavage, the old miner even pay travel difficulties, only know that the Beidaihe free lavage is the foundation for their own treatment costs, he is not sure how much love this care, including efforts , But do not know the story behind the founding of the foundation. Speaking of China Coal Mine Pneumoconiosis Foundation, can not fail to mention a person - the former Minister of Coal Gaoyan Wen. Those who have heard about the experience of this late old man will sincerely admire him. Then, starting from 1990, when Gao Yangwen, minister of coal ministry then that year, heard that Beijing Coal Mine Workers’ Sanatorium at Beidaihe was treating patients with dust by lavage treatment and was doing well, he deliberately ran to see it. Arrived in Beidaihe, he suddenly looked dumbfounded, with his words in the future, “see a bottle of yellow water, black water, gravel, ash from the lungs wash out.” He was relieved to see that the patient who had finished his lungs was a very good treatment.
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