为奶牛增奶 多产就是多赚

来源 :现代营销(创富信息版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luocai1982
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近一段时间,关于奶牛服务业的高收入问题越来越引起专家的关注,更有来自《农民日报》、《中国牧业》等报刊的消息说,有人为奶牛搞增产技术推广服务,年赚80万元,奶牛服务业成为新“高利”行业。近年,随着牛奶消费在城乡的普及,需求量加大,乳品加工企业的兴起和国家产业结构的调整,使得各地政府都在积极扶持奶牛养殖业,奶牛养殖数量逐年增加。目前我国奶牛数量在600万头,在5年内要达1000万头以上,而与奶牛养殖数量迅速增加形成强烈反差的却是 Recently, the issue concerning the high income of the dairy industry has drawn more and more attention from experts. More information from newspapers and periodicals such as “Peasant Daily” and “Chinese Animal Husbandry” said that some people engaged in dairy cows to increase production technology extension service and earned 800000 yuan, dairy service industry has become the new “high profit ” industry. In recent years, with the popularization of milk consumption in urban and rural areas, the demand has increased, the rise of dairy processing enterprises and the adjustment of national industrial structure have made all local governments actively support dairy farming and the number of dairy farms has increased year by year. At present, the number of cows in China is 6 million heads, and the number of cows in the country needs to reach 10 million or more in 5 years. However, in contrast with the rapid increase in the number of dairy farms,
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