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近日,一则消息在中国服装业掀起波澜:中国品牌价值最高的企业——海尔集团与厦门华融集团联合宣布到明年3月前在全国推出3000多家海尔兄弟儿童用品专卖店。双方将品牌定位于中高端,目标是打造成中国儿童用品第一品牌。在目前严峻的经济形势下,此举显示出海尔及华融对童装市场的看好。据有关资料显示,自2000年之后,中国婴童产业增长率高达30%,已经成为仅次于美国的婴童产品消费大国,到2010年将有望迈入“万亿俱乐部”。而在这个婴童产业中,童装无疑将占据重要份额,有专家甚至称“童装是中国服装业最后一块蛋糕”。而纵观近年的童装市场,一轮童装热潮可谓正在兴起,这其中不乏一些本土驰名成人鞋服品牌,如七匹狼、三点水(康奈)、安踏等;包括目前火热市场的两大服装B2C公司凡客诚品和麦考林也均做起了童装生意,包括一些国际大牌,如ADIDAS、NIKE、BabyDior、D&Gbaby、ARMANI Junior等,也都纷纷将触角延伸至童装领域,“童装热”成为了近年中国服饰市场的一大关键词。那么,在这轮童装热潮的背后究竟折射出了什么问题,它对于我国童装产业的格局究竟又会产生一种怎样的影响?中国童装产业未来的发展趋势是什么?目前而言,仍存在哪些桎梏?面对国际大牌以及业外资本的竞相涌入,对于原有的童装品牌而言,究竟是祸还是福?如何抗衡?又该如何才能更好的应对?而对于新进入者来说,童装市场又果如其表面看起来的那样光鲜亮丽么?进军童装市场,面临的风险与挑战又有哪些?它们是否又果真做好了准备? Recently, a news wave in China’s garment industry: China’s highest-value brand enterprises - Haier Group and Xiamen Huarong Group jointly announced by March next year in the country launched more than 3,000 Haier brothers children’s products store. Both the brand positioning in the high-end, the goal is to create China’s first brand of children’s products. In the current harsh economic situation, the move shows Haier and Huarong optimistic about the children’s wear market. According to relevant statistics, since 2000, China’s baby industry has grown by as much as 30%. China has become the second largest consumer of baby products after the United States and is expected to enter the “trillion clubs” by 2010. In this baby industry, children’s clothing will undoubtedly occupy an important share, some experts even said that “children’s clothing is the last piece of cake in China’s garment industry.” And look at the children’s wear market in recent years, a wave of children’s clothing boom is on the rise, many of whom are well-known local adult shoes and apparel brands, such as the Septwolves, three water (Cornell), Anta, including the current fiery market, the two major clothing B2C Companies who Eslite and McCaw also have started the business of children’s wear, including some of the major international brands such as ADIDAS, NIKE, BabyDior, D & Gbaby, ARMANI Junior, also have tentacles extended to the field of children’s clothing, China’s major apparel market keywords. So, behind this round of children’s clothing craze what exactly reflects the problem, it is for our pattern of the children’s wear industry in turn what kind of impact will have? China’s children’s clothing industry, the future development trend is what? For now, what are the remaining面 梏? The face of the influx of international big names and capital outside the industry, the original children’s wear brand, whether it is a curse or blessing? How to contend? And how can we better respond? And for new entrants, If the children’s clothing market looks as bright and beautiful as it looks? Into the children’s wear market, the risks and challenges which are there? Are they really prepared?
如果你随便找一些25到35岁之间的年轻人,让他们闭上眼睛说出最熟悉的时尚服饰品牌,ONLY,JACK&JONES、VERO MODA一定是出现最多的三个品牌.最让人惊叹的是,这三个畅销品牌却是出自同