
来源 :中国国境卫生检疫杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xym1013
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〔目的〕通过对汕头陆运口岸进境车辆、货物的检验检疫情况进行评估,探索既符合全申报要求,又能达到有效把关与服务的方法,防止有毒有害物质的传入。〔方法〕对2006—2007年经汕头陆运口岸进境的车辆及货物实施检验检疫监管,对截获的有毒有害物质情况进行评估。〔结果〕汕头陆运口岸进境车辆及货物申报数量逐年增长,申报车辆及货物达到100%全申报;输入性有毒有害物质呈增长态势,其主要来自中国香港、中国台湾、韩国、美国、菲律宾;发现问题数量最多的是几家日本、中国台湾三资企业。〔结论〕陆运进境车辆及货物存在严重的有毒有害物质携带问题,面临外来有毒有害物质的威胁和环境污染。口岸检验检疫部门应实施全申报制度,在风险评估的基础上实施科学把关,不断提高现场查验和防范能力,严防有毒有害物质的输入。 [Objective] To assess the inspection and quarantine situation of the vehicles and cargoes entering the Shantou land transport port, and to explore ways to meet the requirements of full declaration and to effectively check and serve to prevent the introduction of toxic and hazardous substances. [Methods] The inspection and quarantine supervision of vehicles and goods entering the country via Shantou land transport ports from 2006 to 2007 was conducted to assess the intercepted toxic and harmful substances. [Results] The number of declarations of vehicles and goods entering the Shantou land transport ports increased year by year with the declaration of vehicles and goods reaching 100% full declaration. The import of toxic and hazardous substances showed an increasing trend mainly from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Korea, the United States and the Philippines. The largest number of found problems are several Japanese, Chinese-funded enterprises in Taiwan. [Conclusion] The land transport of vehicles and cargoes poses serious problems of carrying toxic and harmful substances and faces the threat of external toxic and harmful substances and environmental pollution. Port inspection and quarantine departments should implement a full declaration system, based on the risk assessment of the implementation of scientific checks, and constantly improve the on-site inspection and prevention capabilities to prevent the import of toxic and hazardous substances.
在世界反法西斯战争和中国抗日战争胜利50周年之际,正是白求恩诞辰105周年暨来华57周年,我不禁想起《黄土岭战斗纪念碑文》上一段话: “伟大的国际主义战士白求恩同志,率领
他是一位普普通通的白族老人。他把全部的心血倾注在中国的航天航空事业上。 He is an ordinary white elder. He devoted all his efforts to China’s space and aviation