绽开绚丽的智慧花朵 ——浅谈小学作文教学中良好情境的创设

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很多学生在一遇到作文的时候,就会显得十分头疼,它是我们小学语文教学中一个难题。在写作的时候,学生们难以掌握叙述的逻辑性以及所要表达的意思,在规定的几百字或是一千多字内无法很好地完成一篇文章的构建。而作为教师,我们应当在写作的过程中教导学生按照一定的方向去思考,给学生们创建一个良好的情境,让学生们一个比较明确的情境下找到自己的写作方向,能够展开自己想象的翅膀,结合课堂中所运用到的知识,在作文中更加有话去写,表达的东西更加真实,情感更加可靠。 Many students find it very troublesome when they encounter an essay, which is a difficult problem in our primary school Chinese teaching. At the time of writing, students find it hard to grasp the logic of the narrative and the meaning they intend to express. They can not well complete the construction of an article within the prescribed few hundred words or more than a thousand words. As teachers, we should teach students to think in a certain direction in the process of writing, and create a good situation for students so that students can find their own writing direction in a more definite situation and start their own imagination. , Combined with the knowledge used in the classroom, more words in the composition to write, the expression of something more real, more reliable emotion.
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