奥雷音响演绎音乐剧《玩我·PLAY ME》

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近日,当代音乐剧《玩我·PLAY M E》于广州首演。该剧由广东星海演艺集团、芬兰国家剧院联合出品,这是广东省文化企业首次引进国外当代音乐剧并完全本土化的剧目,其舞台扩声系统选用Audiocenter奥雷系列产品。演出以Audiocenter奥雷V-HLA12+垂直线阵列系统为主扩声,PF15+产品用于补声,舞台返听选择PF15+及PF8+产品。整个扩声系统实现了良好的现场扩声效果,得到导演、编剧的一致好评。另讯,日前,四川东方皇城国际音乐会所扩声项目建成并投入使用,采用了奥雷PF+系列娱乐 Recently, the contemporary musical “Play Me · PLAY M E” premiered in Guangzhou. The play by the Guangdong Xinghai Performing Arts Group, the Finnish National Theater jointly produced, which is the first time in Guangdong Province, the introduction of cultural enterprises and contemporary foreign musicals fully localized repertoire, the stage sound reinforcement system selection Audiocenter Ore series. The performance is mainly based on the Audiocenter V-HLA12 + vertical line array system. The PF15 + products are used for supplementing the sound and the PF15 + and PF8 + products are available on the stage. The entire sound reinforcement system to achieve a good live sound reinforcement, get the director, screenwriter praise. Another news, a few days ago, Sichuan Oriental Imperial City International Concert Hall reinforcement project completed and put into use, using the Ore PF + Series Entertainment
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