
来源 :青海政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weicun_weicun
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2004年,中国石油天然气股份有限公司青海油田分公司等10户企业面向市场、深化改革、开拓创新,使企业的市场竞争能力进一步增强,经济效益不断提高,上缴税收均超过亿元,总额达231909万元,为青海经济建设和社会发展做出了积极贡献。为此,省人民政府决定: 一、授予中国石油天然气股份有限公司青海油田分公司等10户企业2004年度“青海省财政支柱企业”荣誉称号,并予以表彰。二、对上述10户企业的领导班子各奖励人民币5万元。三、对上述10户企业的职工一次性增发本企业1个月标准工资的奖金;奖金列入成本费用,并作为计算企业所得税扣减项目。 In 2004, China National Petroleum Corporation Qinghai Oilfield Branch and other 10 companies face the market, deepen the reform, pioneering and innovative so that the market competitiveness of enterprises to further enhance the continuous improvement of economic efficiency, turn over taxes are more than 100 million yuan, with a total amount of 231909 Million, made a positive contribution to Qinghai’s economic construction and social development. To this end, the provincial people’s government decided: First, granted to China National Petroleum Corporation Qinghai Oilfield Branch and other 10 enterprises in 2004 “” financial pillar enterprises in Qinghai Province "honorary title, and be commended. Second, the leadership of the above 10 enterprises each reward 50,000 yuan. Third, the above-mentioned 10 employees of the enterprise one-time additional one-month standard salary bonus; bonus included in the cost of fees, and as a calculation of corporate income tax deductions.
水稻筒巢螟(Ancylomia japonica Zeller),又称稻巢螟、稻筒螟和稻苞螟,属鳞翅目草螟科,是水稻的害虫之一,本省稻区均有发生,近年来,发生量有明显增加趋势.自1971年以来,我们
抗几丁质物质灭幼脲I号(TH 6040),作用机理特殊,对高等动物毒性很低,对主要的有益生物没有影响,对常规农药无交互抗性,这种奇特的杀虫方式引起了人们的广泛注意。几丁质是昆
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