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山东半岛三面环海,漫长的海岸线及其东突入海的地理环境使其很容易成为倭寇袭击的对象。明初山东频遭倭寇侵扰,沿海居民饱受其害。为防止倭寇进犯,明太祖下令在山东设置多座沿海卫所。明代山东沿海卫所属全国卫所布局的一部分,其制度与全国大体相同,从中央的都督府,再到地方的都指挥使司、指挥使、千户、百户、总旗官、小旗官等构成了严密的管理和战斗体系。然而,山东沿海卫所的设置又有其特殊性:(1)从兵力配置来看,山东沿海卫所的兵力多不足额,且在编制上并非每卫都有五所,即使部分卫设有五个所,但其总兵额依然不足;(2)因山东海岸线漫长,卫所的设置有时候并不严格遵循“一郡者设所,连郡者设卫”的定制,而是根据实际情况灵活变动,故有时候会出现一县境内就设有多个卫的情况;(3)一个州县境内的千户所、百户所通常都会隶属同一个卫,但是同在黄县境内的马停镇千户所和黄河寨百户所却分别属于莱州卫与登州卫;(4)山东沿海诸卫所多有自己的专属城池,且常不与当地的府州县治同城;(5)山东沿海卫所的设置还有“爆发性”的特点。洪武三十一年,明太祖下令一次性在山东设置七卫、两守御千户所,实属罕见。山东沿海卫所制度以往多为学者所忽视,其特殊性更鲜有人涉及。本文利用大量档案、文集、方志、家谱等文献资料并参以铜官印、碑刻、沉船、大炮筒等出土文物,对明初山东沿海卫所制度进行深入探讨,为了解明代地方军事制度的具体实施情况提供了一个典型实例。 Shandong Peninsula surrounded by the sea, the long coastline and the geographical conditions of its east into the sea makes it easy to become the object of pirates attack. In the early Ming Dynasty Shandong was frequented by Japanese pirates and coastal residents suffered the brunt. In order to prevent the Japanese invaders, Ming Taizu ordered the establishment of a number of coastal health clinics in Shandong. In the Ming Dynasty, Shandong Weihai was a part of the layout of the National Health Service. The system was basically the same as that of the whole country. From the government of the central government to the local government, the command department led the army to command one thousand families, one hundred households, Etc. constitute a tight management and combat system. However, the setting of Shandong Coast Guard has its uniqueness: (1) From the point of view of the deployment of troops, there are not enough troops in Shandong Coast Guard and there are not five in every guard, even though some of the guardians have five However, the total amount is still not enough; (2) Due to the long coastline in Shandong, the establishment of the Wei-Shou Office sometimes does not strictly follow the custom of “setting up a county office and even setting up a guardian office” The actual situation is flexible and changes, so sometimes there will be a county within the county with more than one guard situation; (3) a county within a thousand households, one hundred households usually belong to the same guard, but with the same county Of the town of the town of 1000 and the Yellow River Walled one hundred households belong to Laizhou Wei and Dengzhou Wei; (4) Shandong Wei all have their own exclusive city, and often not with the local city of Fuzhou County; ( 5) There are also “explosive” characteristics of Shandong Coast Guard. Hongwu thirty-one years, the Ming Taizu ordered a one-time set up in Shandong seven Wei, two Shou Royal family, it is rare. In the past, Shandong coastal health system was mostly neglected by scholars, and its uniqueness was less involved. In this paper, a large number of archives, corpus, chronicles, pedigree and other documents and information such as Tong Guan Yin, inscriptions, shipwrecks, cannon barrel and other unearthed relics, early Ming Shandong coastal health system in-depth discussion, in order to understand the specific implementation of the local military system in the Ming Dynasty The situation provides a typical example.
最美贵州迎天下  冬去春来杏花,  清明雨前新茶,  最美贵州新农家,  蚕豆熟后豌豆,  油菜花开荣华,  最美贵州绿天下。  黄果树美如画,  世遗赤水丹霞,  最美贵州是我家。  龙宫划过草海,  杜鹃百里繁华,  最美贵州迎天下。  芦笙起,喜跳花,  彩帕缠腰情郎夸,  石头寨吊脚楼,  风雨桥头是我家。  芦笙起,花球打,  阿姐心事在天涯。  天很高地很大,  最美贵州走天下。  芦
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1.鲁迅好友许寿裳曾于1920年底,当面向鲁迅问过“鲁迅”这一笔名的寓意。鲁迅的答复是:一、母亲姓鲁;二、周鲁是同姓之国;三、取愚鲁而迅速之意。 1. Lu Xun’s friend Xu S