继承领袖遗志 发展林业生产

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在举国上下热烈庆祝华国锋同志任中国共产党中央委员会主席、中国共产党中央军事委员会主席的欢呼声中,新金县杨树房公社高家大队林场举办了有干部、技术员和职工参加的“继承毛主席遗志,促进林业发展”的学习班。在学习班上,大家认真学习和讨论了毛主席关于“阶级斗争是纲,其余都是目”、“不斗争就不能进步”和“绿化祖国”、“实行大地园林化”等一系列重要指示;回顾和总结了本大队建场十五年来的深刻变化,联系林业战线两个阶级、两条路线斗争的实际,提高了阶级斗争、路线斗争和无产阶级专政下继续革命的觉悟。认识到,发展林业 In the cheers from all over China that Comrade Hua Kuo-feng commended Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee of the Yangshefang Commune in Xinjin County, cadres, technicians and workers participated in the “Succession of Chairman Mao Behest, to promote forestry development ”class. In the study class, all of us conscientiously studied and discussed a series of important instructions from Chairman Mao on “class struggle is the key link, the rest are the goals,” “no progress can be made without fighting” and “greening the motherland.” The review and summary of the profound changes made in the past 15 years since the establishment of the brigade and the links between the two classes in the forestry front and the actual struggle in the two lines have raised the awareness of continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat and the class struggle. Realize that forestry development
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同志们: 自治区人民政府召开的自治区林业会议今天开始了。 这次会议是在新疆各地传达、学习、贯彻六中全会精神的大好形势下召开的。党的六中全会对建国三十二年来作出了正