Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing

来源 :中国化学工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:owen_0278
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A rotating packed bed (RPB) reactor has substantially potential for the process intensification of heterogeneous catalytic reactions.However,the scarce knowledge of the liquid-solid mass transfer in the RPB reactor is a barrier for its design and scale-up.In this work,the liquid-solid mass transfer in a RPB reactor installed with structured foam packing was experimentally studied using copper dissolution by potassium dichromate.Effects of rotational speed,liquid and gas volumetric flow rate on the liquid-solid mass transfer coefficient (kLS) have been investigated.The correlation for predicting kLS was proposed,and the deviation between the experimental and predicted values was within ± 12%.The liquid-solid volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLSaLS) ranged from 0.04-0.14 1-1,which was approximately 5 times larger than that in the packed bed reactor.This work lays the foundation for modeling of the RPB reactor packed with structured foam packing for heterogeneous catalytic reaction.
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