Conversion potential energy and its application to thermodynamic optimization

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jxy_su261314
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In general,heat transfers can be classified into two categories according to the purposes of object heating or cooling and the heat to work conversion.Recently,a new physical quantity,entransy(or potential energy),was proposed to describe the ability of heat transfer with the former purpose.This paper addresses the concept of potential energy in terms of the heat transfer processes for the latter purpose,named the conversion potential energy.The physical meaning of this newly introduced concept is the potential energy for the heat to work conversion stored in the equivalent mass of heat(thermomass) derived on the basis of the Einstein’s special theory of relativity.The dissipation of conversion potential energy occurs during the real irreversible heat to work conversion processes as a measure of the conversion irreversibility.Finally,a heat to work conversion problem of a heat exchanger group is provided to show that the minimum conversion potential energy dissipation rate can be used as an optimization criterion for the heat transfer performance with the purpose of the heat to work conversion. In general, heat transfers can be classified into two categories according to the purposes of object heating or cooling and the heat to work conversion.Recently, a new physical quantity, entransy (or potential energy), was proposed to describe the ability of heat transfer with the former purpose. This paper addresses the concept of potential energy in terms of the heat transfer processes for the latter purpose, named the conversion potential energy. The physical meaning of this newly introduced concept is the potential energy for the heat to work conversion stored in the equivalent mass of heat (thermomass) derived on the basis of the Einstein’s special theory of relativity. The dissipation of conversion potential energy occurs during the real irreversible heat to work conversion processes as a measure of the conversion irreversibility. Finally, a heat to work conversion problem of a heat exchanger group is provided to show that the minimum conversion potential energy dissipation rate can be used as an optimization criterion for the heat transfer performance with the purpose of the heat to work conversion.
五月,如痴如醉的花季,我的内心却迷茫不已。我所追寻的幸福到底在何处呢?我清楚地记得,多年前的秋季,我与你曾在被夕阳镀成金黄的幽幽小径中寻找一片片火红的舞者;更早的夏季,我与你曾在阴凉的香樟树下,期待风的驻足。自始至终,你一直牵着我的手,陪我走过春秋数载,而你自己,却变得黯淡无光。  现在的五月,你却躺在病床上,憔悴万分,话也说不出来,只能默默地流泪。我轻轻地来到你身边,你吃力地睁开双眼上,没说上两
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