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要在八十年代完成普及小学教育这样一个历史任务,必须认真调查研究,把情况摸清,问题找准,从实际出发。为此,我们组织了两个组分别到巍山彝族回族自治县和白族较集中的鹤庆县进行调查,对左倾思想在教育战线上的危害有了更深的认识。在调查中我们看到:每个学校、每个大队都要提高入学率、巩固率;但更为突出的问题是,大量毕业生没有达到应有的合格水平。巍山县大仑公社的二十二所完小,大多数学校入学率、巩固率都在百分之九十左右,而合格率却只有百分之十五至二十。去年初中招生,三科总分九十多分录取;高中招生,五科总分一百二十五分录取。在这样一个基础上培养出来 To accomplish such a historic task of universalizing primary education in the 1980s, it is imperative to conduct serious investigations and studies in order to understand the situation, identify problems, and proceed from reality. To this end, we organized two groups to conduct investigations in the Bishan Hui and Hui Autonomous County and in the Heqing County, where the Bai people are relatively concentrated. We have a deeper understanding of the dangers of left-leaning ideas on the education front. In the survey, we saw that each school and each brigade must increase the enrollment rate and the consolidation rate; but the more prominent problem is that a large number of graduates do not meet the required qualification levels. At the end of the 22nd year of the Dalun Commune in Dangshan County, the enrolment rate and consolidation rate of most schools were all about 90%, and the pass rate was only 15 to 20 percent. In the enrollment at the beginning of the year, three subjects were admitted to more than ninety points; high school enrollment was awarded to five subjects with a total score of one hundred twenty-five. Develop on such a basis
接到一个新班后,班主任如何抓好班集体建设?在这方面需要做的工作很多,但我觉得有两件事情必须特别重视,认真做好. After receiving a new class, how did the head teacher
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西游记中的红孩儿能从嘴里喷出火,想烧哪就烧哪,孙悟空都受不了,这是神话,不是真的。四川省泸州市却实实在在有这么一个人,她所到的地方,说不定啥时候就会着起火来,多的时候,一天十几次,少的时候一天也要两三次,只要能够燃烧的东西都会烧起来,当然了,并不是她在纵火,火是无缘无故突然烧起来的。村民们都不干活了,跑到她家,备好水,准备随时扑火——    她的衣服无缘无故频频起火    四川省泸州市的铜鼓村有一