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2012年9月13日至14日,“阿尔及利亚独立战争与共产主义世界”国际学术研讨会在法国第戎勃艮第大学人文学院举行。今年是阿尔及利亚获得民族独立50周年。勃艮第大学人文学院特举办此次国际学术研讨会,目的在于深入探讨社会主义阵营国家在阿尔及利亚争取民族独立斗争期间与该国的关系,从而填补过去学术研究的空白。来自法国、英国、意大利、波兰、捷克、匈牙利、塞尔维亚和中国的20余位学者参加了本次学术研讨会。会议分为三个阶段。第一阶段的圆桌会谈主要围绕法国共产党、苏联共产党和阿尔及利亚共产党三者关系展开。与会学者指出,20世纪50年代中后期,由于苏联奉行与西方缓和关系的外交政策,法共又受到苏共的影响,因此,苏共和法共均不支持阿尔及利亚的独立战争。而阿尔及利亚共产党却支持通过武装斗争的形式争取民族独立。东欧国家对阿尔及利亚问题的认识主要依靠法共提供的情报,因此,阿尔及利亚共产党不得不前往东欧国家进行游说,并阐明法共不了解阿尔及利亚的情况,东欧国家不应受其误导。这 From September 13 to September 14, 2012, the International Seminar on “Algeria’s War of Independence and the Communist World” was held at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Burgundy, Dijon, France. This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the national independence of Algeria. The University of Burundi School of Humanities hosted this special international symposium aimed at exploring in depth the relations between the countries of the socialist camp and Albania during their struggle for national independence in order to fill the gaps in academic research in the past. More than 20 scholars from France, Britain, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia and China attended the symposium. The conference is divided into three stages. The first round of roundtable talks centered on the relations among the three parties: the French Communist Party, the Soviet Communist Party and the Algerian Communist Party. Participants and scholars pointed out that since the Soviet Union pursued a diplomatic policy of easing relations with the West in the mid-to-late 1950s, the French Communists were influenced by the CPSU. Therefore, both the CPSU and the French Communists did not support Algeria’s war of independence. The Algerian Communist Party, however, supports the fight for national independence through armed struggle. Eastern European countries mainly rely on the information provided by the French Communists for their understanding of the Algerian issue. Therefore, the Algerian Communist Party has to go to Eastern European countries for lobbying and clarify that the French Communists are not aware of the situation in Algeria and that the Eastern European countries should not be misled by them. This
2008年10月,河南新乡发生一起惨案,一名女大学生被前男友连刺数刀身亡。凶手当场被抓获,可年仅20岁的女大学生带着对T型台无尽的向往,离开了人世。业内人士称,纵观本案,凶手的手段固然残忍,但不能忽略另外一个凶手——“人肉搜索”,一朵生命之花突然凋零,与网友盲目的“人肉搜索”有太大的关系。    表演系女大学生被前男友刺死    河南科技学院位于河南省新乡市五一大道。2008年10月22日晚上7点