Experimental demonstration of a new concept of drag reduction and thermal protection for hypersonic

来源 :Acta Mechanica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feihuiy
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A new idea of drag reduction and thermalprotection for hypersonic vehicles is proposed based on thecombination of a physical spike and lateral jets for shock-reconstruction. The spike recasts the bow shock in front ofa blunt body into a conical shock, and the lateral jets workto protect the spike tip from overheating and to push theconical shock away from the blunt body when a pitchingangle exists during flight. Experiments are conducted in ahypersonic wind tunnel at a nominal Mach number of 6. Itis demonstrated that the shock/shock interaction on the bluntbody is avoided due to injection and the peak pressure atthe reattachment point is reduced by 70% under a 4°attackangle. A new idea of ​​drag reduction and thermal protection for hypersonic vehicles is proposed based on thecombination of a physical spike and lateral jets for shock-reconstruction. The spike recasts the bow shock in front of a blunt body into a conical shock, and the lateral jets workto protect the spike tip from overheating and to push theconical shock away from the blunt body when a pitchingangle exists during flight. The Experiments are conducted in ahypersonic wind tunnel at a nominal Mach number of 6. Itis demonstrated that the shock / shock interaction on the bluntbody is avoided due to injection and the peak pressure atthe reattachment point is reduced by 70% under a 4 ° attackangle.
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1 问题的提出 在现代社会中,交通运输活动是政治、经济、文化和军事等一切社会活动赖以顺利进行的基础。一个国家与地区交通运输业的发达程度、运能满足客货运量需求的水平,