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西瓜嫁接换根栽培,不仅对防治枯萎病有特效,而且只要砧木选择恰当,还能增强西瓜的抗寒能力,提高西瓜产量,改善西瓜品质。 嫁接西瓜苗,最好在温暖的室内或大棚中进行。嫁接苗的管理要点如下: 1.保持适宜的床温 白天温度控制在20~25℃之间,夜间温度不低于18℃,床温过高或过低都不利于嫁接苗的愈合成活。 2.保持较高的湿度 较高的湿度是降低蒸发影响、提高成活率的重要措施。采取靠接法的嫁接苗,移植后应浇一次透水,采取顶插法的, Watermelon graft for root cultivation, not only for the prevention and treatment of wilt disease have special effects, but as long as the appropriate choice of rootstocks, but also enhance the ability of cold-resistant watermelon to improve watermelon yield and improve watermelon quality. Grafted watermelon seedlings, the best in a warm room or greenhouse. Grafted seedlings management points are as follows: 1 to maintain appropriate bed temperature daytime temperature control between 20 ~ 25 ℃, night temperature not lower than 18 ℃, the bed temperature is too high or too low are not conducive to the survival of grafted seedlings. 2. Maintaining high humidity Humidity is an important measure to reduce the impact of evaporation and increase the survival rate. To take the docking method of grafted seedlings, after transplantation should be poured once pervious, take the top plug method,
1、选用抗病品种:选用抗烟草花叶病毒耐黄瓜花叶病毒一代杂种如毛粉802,高抗烟草花叶病毒的佳粉10号等品种。 2、培育壮苗:(1)种子处理及上壤消毒:播前先用清水浸泡4个小时,
Preeclampsia (PE) refers to a group of dysfunction syndromes associated with elevated blood pressure and proteinuria in women with previously normal blood press