对于民兵预备役部队党委来说,学习贯彻落实十六大精神,必须着眼于人武部建设的实际,笔者认为,关键是要与时俱进提高民兵预备役部队党委领导工作效能。 一、要不断破除陈旧思想观念 从当前实际来看,主要是应破除那些唯书唯上、不敢创新、墨守成规等思想障碍,应做到“四个认清”:一是在发扬优良传统与沿袭习惯性做法上要认
For the militia and reserve party forces, studying and implementing the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress must focus on the reality of the construction of the armed forces department. According to the author, the key is to keep pace with the times so as to enhance the effectiveness of leadership in party committees under the militia and reserve forces. First, we must continue to get rid of the old ideas and concepts From the current actual situation, we should basically eliminate those who only rely on the books, are not innovating and stick to conventions and other ideological obstacles should be “four clear”: First, to promote good Tradition and the customary practice to recognize