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改革开放13年,大潮涌动中“冒”出了一个广东。靠党的改革开放政策,靠自己的苦干、实干、巧干,广东创造了超过当年亚洲“四小龙”起飞时的发展速度,从过去的名不见经传一跃成为中国经济最发达的地区之一。广东,既是中国改革开放成功的样板,也是探索具有中国特色的社会主义道路的尖兵。广东成功的实践,证明着党的基本路线的正确。坚持这条路线,一百年不变,广东将有更大更快的发展,整个中国也必将有更大更快的发展。 广东的一些具体做法不一定要照搬,但广东实事求是,解放思想,大胆执著地走改革开放道路的精神值得大家学一学。 本刊从这一期起,将陆续刊登来自南粤的报道。 In the 13 years since the reform and opening up, the tide surged to “take” a Guangdong province. By relying on the party’s policy of reform and opening up, Guangdong has made its development faster than the “four little dragons” of Asia that took off by relying on their own hard work, hard work, and skillful work, and from the past ignorance to the most economically developed part of China one. Guangdong is both a model for China’s successful reform and opening up and a pioneer in exploring the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. The successful practice in Guangdong proves that the party’s basic line is correct. To adhere to this line will remain unchanged for a hundred years, there will be even greater and faster development in Guangdong, and greater and faster development in China as a whole. Some specific Guangdong practices do not necessarily have to be copied, but it is worth learning from the spirit of seeking truth from facts, emancipating the mind and walking boldly and persistently on the path of reform and opening up. From the issue of this issue, we will successively publish reports from Nan Yue.
For eventually providing terahertz science with compact and convenient devices,terahertz (1~10THz) quantum-well photodetectors and quantum-cascade lasers are inv
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