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目的了解金湖县病毒性肝炎流行特征和发病趋势,探索防控措施。方法采用描述性流行病学方法,对2013年金湖县报告的病毒性肝炎进行统计分析。结果 2013年报告病毒性肝炎219例,发病率为61.48/10万,其中甲、乙、丙、戊和未分型发病率分别为1.12/10万、35.65/10万、12.63/10万、6.46/10万和5.61/10万,乙型肝炎是病毒性肝炎的主要型别,发病构成比占前3位分别是乙肝57.99%、丙肝20.55%、戊肝10.50%。全县各镇和全年各月份均有病例发生,为散发状态,未出现爆发。发病年龄高峰出现在50~至70~岁年龄组,发病率达99.88/10万。男性发病率为82.96/10万,女性为39.92/10万,差异有统计学意义(χ2=26.85,P<0.01)。职业分布以农民为主,占肝炎病例总数的69.86%。结论病毒性肝炎位居金湖县法定传染病发病第1位,应实施以免疫预防为主导的综合性防治措施,以乙肝、丙肝为侧重点,加强重点人群的疫苗免疫接种,加大健康教育力度,加强爱国卫生运动,强化食品及饮水卫生的管理,减少医源性感染。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics and pathogenesis of viral hepatitis in Jinhu County and to explore prevention and control measures. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the reported viral hepatitis in Jinhu County in 2013. Results In 2013, 219 cases of viral hepatitis were reported, with an incidence rate of 61.48 / 100 000, among which the incidence rates of A, B, C, E and Undifferentiated were 1.12 / 100000, 35.65 / 100000, 12.63 / 100000, 6.46 / 100,000 and 5.61 / 10 million. Hepatitis B is the major type of viral hepatitis, accounting for 57.99% of hepatitis B, 20.55% of hepatitis C and 10.50% of hepatitis E, respectively. The county towns and throughout the year have occurred in each case, distributed state, there is no outbreak. The peak age of onset appeared in 50 ~ 70 years old group, the incidence rate reached 99.88 / 100000. The incidence of males was 82.96 / lakh and that of females was 39.92 / lakh, the difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 26.85, P <0.01). Occupation distribution mainly farmers, accounting for 69.86% of the total number of hepatitis cases. Conclusions Viral hepatitis ranks first in the legal infectious disease in Jinhu County. Comprehensive prevention and treatment measures should be implemented with immunoprophylaxis as the focus. Hepatitis B and C should be the focus to strengthen vaccination of key populations and increase health education Efforts will be made to strengthen patriotic health campaigns, strengthen the management of food and drinking water hygiene and reduce iatrogenic infections.
目的 :探讨产妇分娩中温馨助产护理干预的应用价值.方法 :选择2017年2月-2018年12月在本院产科自然分娩的180例产妇作为观察样本,按照1:1比例进行分组,对照组与研究组均为90
目的 探讨彻底清除上颌窦黏膜下囊肿并防止复发的治疗方法.方法 对56例上颌窦黏膜下囊肿行鼻内镜下双径路手术,术中彻底清除病变.结果 随访1a,无并发症,治愈率达100%,无复发.
目的 :探讨个性化护理在经腹膜后腹腔镜下肾肿瘤根除术中的应用效果.方法 :择取我院2017.03到2019.01时间段内肾肿瘤患者60例,以1:1比例分为常规组30例、干预组30例.即患者均
目的 探讨臭氧消融术联合射频热凝术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床治疗.方法 对延边大学附属医院采用射频热凝联合臭氧消融术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的56例进行分析.结果 所有患者治