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曾几何时,每年暑假,总会有一个新的热点引领整个IT市场:2000年,“因特网”无疑是整个市场最热的字眼;2001年,“P4+液晶”就像冬天里的一把火,使寒冷的IT业有了新的春意。然而,在去年,“P4+液晶”被炒得沸沸扬扬的同时,P3却以一种更加稳重的姿态荣登主流。“桃李不言,下自成蹊”。由于新技术、高价格同消费水平差距甚远,“P4+液晶”虽占尽无限风光,但最终挡不住理性的消费者对P3的疯狂追求。P3笑到了最后。那是一场浮躁与理性的较量。暑期带给商家的商机可圈可点,但机遇常常钟情于有准备、有敏锐嗅觉的人,他们不会错过这个转瞬即逝的“黄金季节”。IT厂商欲从竞争激烈的暑期市场中分羹一杯,必须对市场有敏锐洞察力,才能对市场作出正确的决策。回首去年盛夏,“奔4+液晶”和激烈的价格战在市场中所激起的涟漪,令不少IT人士忧心忡忡。一年的反思之后,今年的暑期市场热度骤减。然而,看似风平浪静的市场之下,各厂商却暗中较劲。静以蓄势,厚积薄发。抛开去年的浮躁与炒作,今年,厂商更加理智地对待市场变化。他们深知:只有做到实处才能在市场中找准自己的位置……流火盛夏,又逢暑假。蓄势一年的IT厂商们,意欲何为? Once upon a time, every summer vacation, there was always a new hot spot leading the entire IT market: In 2000, the “Internet” was undoubtedly the hottest word in the entire market; in 2001, “P4+ LCD” was like a fire in the winter, making it cold. The IT industry has a new spring. However, in the past year, while P4+ LCD was being heated up, the P3 was in the mainstream with a more stable attitude. “Peaches and plums, the next from Seikei”. As the new technology, high prices and the level of consumption are far from the gap, “P4 + LCD” despite the infinite scenery, but ultimately can not stop the rational consumers of the P3 crazy pursuit. P3 laughed to the end. It was a contest between impetuous and rational. The business opportunities brought to businesses in the summer are remarkable, but opportunities are often favored by people who are prepared to have a keen sense of smell. They will not miss this fleeting “golden season”. IT vendors want to get a cup from the highly competitive summer market and must have a keen insight into the market before they can make the right decisions. Looking back at the summer of last year, the “Ben 4+ LCD” and fierce price war in the market caused by the embarrassment, so many IT people worried. After a year of rethinking, the heat of the summer market this year has plummeted. However, under the seemingly calm market, various manufacturers are secretly competing. Calm momentum, accumulate. Aside from the impetuousness and hype of last year, this year, manufacturers are more sensibly dealing with market changes. They are fully aware that only by doing so can they find their place in the market. What are the intentions of the IT vendors that have been poised for a year?
在近期公布的中国化工行业及相关行业拟,在建项目中,一个香料类项目正付诸实施。项目名称:松脂—β-蒎烯合成高级香料项目区域:西北 In the recently announced China chem