【摘 要】
During the decade before the 1911 Revolution,Chinese revolutionary ideas transformed from the ancient one to the modern one,which therefore laid an ideological
During the decade before the 1911 Revolution,Chinese revolutionary ideas transformed from the ancient one to the modern one,which therefore laid an ideological foundation for the outbreak of the 1911 Revolution and the collapse of Qing Dynasty.Modern Chinese revolutionary ideas not only inherited the vitality and the influential elements of Ancient Chinese revolutionary ideas,but also absorbed Western modern revolutionary ideas,Marxian revolutionary ideas and revolutionary anarchic ideas.Some Chinese revolutionary thinkers,integrating Chinese revolutionary thoughts with Western ones,ancient with modern,brought forth the new ideas.For instance,Zou Rong put forward the program of Chinese democratic revolution;Sun Yat -sen established Three Principles of the People;Chen Tianhua made the distinction between National Revolution and Hero Revolution; Zhu Zhixin proposed the coexistence of social revolution and political revolution.These thoughts not only embodied anti -Manchuism ideas and ideas against absolute monarchy system,but also indicated the pursuit of socialism while fighting against capitalist exploitation and oppression.
摘 要:本文以云桌面实验室技术为平台,分析了基于云网络的语言实验室信息化建设的可行性、必要性与优势,建设具有辽东学院特色的网络语言实验室,并为语言实验室的信息化管理奠定基础。 关键词:云网络;语言实验室;信息化 2012年,在全国第一次信息化工作电视电话会议上,教育部明确提出了全面落实“三通两平台”的教育信息化核心任务。同时强调要加强学校数字化终端和应用平台建设,并号召注重从实际出发,探索建立
The clinical features of 17 patients with benign urachal masses and 30 patients with urachal carcinoma treated at Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center were anal
[摘 要]教师要有效利用计算机这一单一学科的课堂教学时间,尽可能地对学生综合素质进行有效地培养和渗透,使学生在意志力、品德等方面得到良好发展。教师要培养学生的创新意识、创新精神和基本创新能力,促进学生和谐发展。 [关键词]计算机教学 综合素质 创新意识 一、良好品行的培养 品德教育是学校教学工作的重点之一,是新课改理念的核心,它要求每名教师必须提高德育渗透意识,自觉地把学生的品行
摘 要:中学信息技术课程的开设,能够培养学生的信息素养和创新能力,全面推进素质教育,深化课程改革,而传统的信息技术教育方法制约了课堂效率的提升。本文结合中学信息技术教育的现状,探讨了能够提升课堂教学效率的具体策略,为课堂教学提供理论和实践支撑。 关键词:中学信息技术教育;课程教学效率;提升策略 一、 前言 信息技术课程的内容与学生的生活紧密联系,是一门实践性较强的学科,目标是培养学生对信息的